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Forum@DeGiorgi: Početna
Autor/ica Poruka
  Tema: please...

Odgovori: 4
Pogledano: 1868

PostForum: Opća pitanja i rasprave o studiju   Postano: 11:42 sri, 27. 10. 2004   Naslov: please...
Twisted Evil I'm still looking for information about your university˘!!,
Is there a french section inside?? Rolling Eyes
is it possible to teach math in french somewhere??
Evil or Very Mad
  Tema: MATH+Francais+Croatia??????

Odgovori: 0
Pogledano: 4718

PostForum: International   Postano: 13:44 pon, 25. 10. 2004   Naslov: MATH+Francais+Croatia??????
Hi i'm french i use to studies mathematiques pures in Bordeaux and now
i'm working as a mathematic theatcher in budapest actually, and i want to find a job for theatching mathematic in french and of ...
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