Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana (napisa): |
From: SPK
To: SPK Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2007 11:49 AM Subject: Student Business Conference 2008, Ljubljana, Slovenia Dear Sir or Madam, Please find enclosed a call for papers for the 5th Student Business Conference , organized by the Faculty of Economics, University od Ljubljana. The 5th Student Business Conference will be held at the Faculty of Economics on 6 March 2008. This conference gives students of business studies the opportunity to present their achievements to academics and to the business community. We invite student contributions that deal with real-life business problems, applying theoretical knowledge gained through their studies. All students or groups of students (undergraduate and graduate) who have developed a student business project, case study or a business plan in the 2006/2007 school year are invited to participate. The call for papers with all of the details is attached. We would greatly appreciate if you would pass on the information to professors that supervise these kinds of student works, so that they can encourage the best students that might be interested to take the challenge and apply. The dead line for application is 14 th December 2007. Candidates should send their contributions to the following address: University of Ljubljana Faculty of Economics Student Business Conference 2008 Kardeljeva pl. 17 SI-1000 Ljubljana You can find some more information on the conference web site http://www.ef.uni-lj.si/spk or please feel free to contact us at spk@ef.uni-lj.si. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance. Yours sincerely, SBC Team |
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