#1: Of interest to students in Applied Mathematics Autor/ica: mladen jurak, Postano: 16:26 sri, 9. 2. 2011 Proslijeđujem sljedeću poruku o stipendiji za doktorski studij u Francuskoj koja bi
mogla biti interesantna svim studentima pete godine sa smjera Primijenjena matematika.
Profesor Brahim Amaziane koji nudi stipendiju bit će ovaj četvrtak i petak (10 i 11. 02. 2011.)
u Zagrebu tako da se može razgovarati s njime. Cijeli tekst je izvješen na vratima mog ureda.
Subject: Modeling and numerical simulation of two-phase flow in porous media with dynamic
capillary pressure Laboratories:
Location: University of Pau, Pau, France.
Opening: 2011, as soon as possible.
Duration: 3 years
Salary: about EUR 1700 monthly
Qualifications: Master or equivalent in applied mathematics and a strong background in numerical
analysis, discretization methods, and scientific computing. Computer and programming skills:
Fortran 90, C; C++.Knowledges in numerical simulation of flow and transport in porous media will
be appreciated.
To apply: send your CV in English or French including your background in numerical analysis,
discretization methods and scientific computing, a short motivation letter,
and names and email addresses of one or two scientists willing to provide a reference
to brahim.amaziane@univ-pau.fr and patrice.creux@univ-pau.fr
Context: The interest in the mathematical and numerical treatment of fluid flow and
transport in porous media has been increasingly rising. For example, the emergence of
complex enhanced recovery procedures in the field of hydrocarbon extraction techniques
has emphasized the need for sophisticated mathematical models and numerical tools capable
of predicting, understanding, and optimizing intricate physical phenomena occurring in this
field. More recently, modelling multiphase flow received an increasing attention in
connection with the disposal of radioactive waste and sequestration of CO2. The modelling
and numerical simulation of two-phase flow in porous media represents an important tool
in the design of cost-efficient and safe methods of studying the mentioned practical
problems. It can reduce the number of laboratory and field experiments, help to identify
the significant mechanisms, optimize existing strategies and give indications of possible risks.
The position is opened in the frame of interdisciplinary research projects. The candidate
will join an already active group in this domain.
PhD research project: The capillary pressure-saturation (Pc-S) relationships are
essential in characterizing two-phase
flow behavior in porous media. However, these realtionships are not unique and depend on
the flow dynamics, i.e. steady state or dynamic, among other factors. Traditional
two-phase models use a capillary pressure-saturation realtionship determined under
static conditions. Recently it was proposed to extend this relationship
to include dynamic effects and in particular flow rates. New capillary
pressure relationships have been proposed which include an additional term to account
for the dependence of capillary pressure on saturation and time derivative of saturation (dS/dt).
This parameter is a capillary damping coefficient, also known as dynamic coefficient,
which establishes the speed at which flow equilibrium is reached. The dependence of (Pc-S)
relationships on (dS/dt) is called dynamic effects. The resulting model equations
are of nonlinear degenerate pseudo-parabolic type with a convection term. The present PhD
position aims to develop, to implement and to test a computational self-adaptive technique
for this coupled system using a finite volume method. The solutions of these problems can
involve multiple time and spatial scales, long simulation time periods, and many coupled
components with the dominant convection term. The latter requires steep gradients to be
preserved with minimal oscillations and numerical diffusion. The candidate is invited to
perform a robust scheme adapted to the physical problems under consideration for
heterogeneous porous media, to elaborate dynamic local refinement strategies, and then
to develop and implement algorithms in C+ +. The code will be validated using academic
and benchmark tests. The numerical analysis studies will include development of discrete
maximum principle, stability, BV estimates and convergence of the scheme.