is these smiles free???
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Forum@DeGiorgi -> International

#1: is these smiles free??? Autor/ica: Marcus Flintus PostPostano: 22:08 čet, 20. 4. 2006
I want to ask, is these smiles in this website free to download (and use)?
Chtěl jsem se zeptat, zda jsou smajlíci na těchto stránkách volní ke stažení a k používání?

Marcus Flintus

#2:  Autor/ica: vsegoLokacija: /sbin/init PostPostano: 2:52 pet, 21. 4. 2006
As far as I know - they are. Cool They were collected all over the Net; if I get property complaints, I'll most likely remove "troublesome" ones. Smile

#3:  Autor/ica: Marcus Flintus PostPostano: 6:40 pet, 21. 4. 2006

Forum@DeGiorgi -> International

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