Factory Unlock iPhone 4 AT

Izvor: KiWi

(Usporedba među inačicama)
Skoči na: orijentacija, traži
Hubtuba31 (Razgovor | doprinosi)

Trenutačna izmjena od 08:09, 24. veljače 2014.

Why does everyone love the Unlock iPhone Zone Review? This article will tell you why, as well as supply you with some tips so that you can use your iPhone to do tasks you never imagined you could complete on a phone.

The suggestion box might be wrong, or you could intentionally have spelled the word that way.

Dim the brightness of your iPhone to reduce battery consumption. You can do this by changing the brightness in the settings area of your phone to a lower level. It will help extend the battery life for the days you need to have your iPhone on for long hours.

Siri allows you to establish reminder notifications based on your location. Siri already gives reminders based on a pre-set time. So instead of having Siri remind you to call somewhere at 6 p.m., you can instead have her remind you when you get home. Then, when your iPhone detects you are at home, it gives you a reminder that tells you to phone work. This is a great way for you to set reminders during the course of the day.

Are there special characters such as umlauts or accents that you would like to use in your texts? We can help you with that! Simply touch the relevant letter and hold your finger down for a variety of options. You will get a box that shows you several extra keys. Here, you can choose unique letters to spice up your text.

Do you want to include an umlauted or accented letter in your conversation, but don't know how? Just follow these simple steps. If you touch an individual letter for only a few seconds, options will appear for that letter. You'll see a box appear that contains many extra key choices. Now you can have more fun with your lettering.

You phone will allow you to view parts of your messages even when locked through its default settings. Depending on your personal preference you may find that this feature is helpful or you may not care for it at all. You can disable the feature quite easily. To disable this feature, open the message notifications under the Settings menu. Did you know that your iPhone can take a screenshot, anytime you like? When you're on the screen you want to save, hold down the home button and then tap on the sleep button. You have successfully saved the screenshot to your iPhone once you see your screen turn white.

The Safari browser on the iPhone is so amazing and lets you accomplish pretty much anything that can be done on regular computer. If you would like to save a picture, tap and hold on it. The context menu that pops up will let you save the picture directly to your phone's Camera Roll. You can then put it in a message if you want.

The popularity of the iPhone is well-earned. There are many ways to connect with others in a social and business sense with the iPhone. This article just provided you with some of the things you can do to get the most out of your iPhone. Use this advice to make sure to make the most of your iPhone.

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