SKDIM sazetak 20110325

Izvor: KiWi

(Usporedba među inačicama)
Skoči na: orijentacija, traži
Goranigaly (Razgovor | doprinosi)
(Nova stranica: We introduce the notion of a network hub, and the motivation for the concept in real-world systems. We develop an algorithm for the identification of these important nodes and test t…)

Trenutačna izmjena od 18:34, 23. ožujka 2011.

We introduce the notion of a network hub, and the motivation for the concept in real-world systems. We develop an algorithm for the identification of these important nodes and test the algorithm on benchmark graphs. In addition, we study hubs with respect to the spread of SIR-type epidemics, and we classify three distinct types of important nodes in these systems. Specifically, we identify both with an exhaustive computation and with Monte Carlo simulation: 1. the nodes in the system most likely to become infected at some point during the spread of disease throughout the network, 2. nodes which, if infected first, cause the most extensive spread of the disease throughout the network, and 3. nodes which, if vaccinated, most decrease the spread of disease throughout the network.

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