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Inačica od 14:12, 15. ožujka 2014. koju je unio/unijela Eryn514 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Mobile & portable usability testing - why it matters

Mobile telephone and PDA usability testing is important to your business. To get extra information, please check-out: wholesale small business internet advertising. In reality, mobile and handheld usability testing might be even more significant than computer-based usability testing. The main good reasons for this are:

- The amount of people accessing the Net from mobile and mobile devices is growing at a huge price - in 2008 alone there'll be an estimated 58 million PDAs sold worldwide (source: eTForecast).

- People generally speaking have a lot less connection with using their mobile to go online than they do of using their computer. If you think any thing, you will perhaps fancy to discover about video marketing strategy. Which means that computer-based users may be thought to really have a higher level of current expertise than mobile and portable users.

- when using cell phones The system by which your site is accessed by users is less predictable. Computer-based website visitors generally only differ from one another within their browser and os (i.e. a lot of people uses a mouse, screen and keyboard), although the different forms of cell phones and PDAs differ can considerably. To study more, consider taking a glance at: click for video marketing.

Which cell phones and PDAs do you need to take into account?

Mobile phones and PDAs may differ from another significantly, and this may drastically change how people experience and use sites. To get different viewpoints, you are able to check out: make videos online for free with music and pictures. A few of the ways in which mobile devices may differ include:

- Screen size (small vs. Significant)

- Screen layout (symbol vs. landscape)

- Input system (stylus, numeric keypad, dial-wheel, QWERTY keypad)

You should attempt to check with as many mobile telephones and PDAs as possible, because the mobile telephone / PDA that somebody is using may have this type of profound effect on their knowledge of your site.

Obviously, testing with every cellular phone and PDA is difficult. Below are a few tips to help narrow down the number of products you will need to test with:

- Your mobile website visitors might participate in a certain market. Particular followers have a tendency to choose certain kinds of devices (e.g. phones with large screens which are built to support online access compared to. small-screen designs which are not).

- You can find 'phone people' offering a really similar individual knowledge (and will not must be tested separately).

- You may only need to check with the most popular cellphones in Europe or the most popular types which are used to access your site (you can check your site research to discover these details).

Who would you like to try with?

Individuals you want to conduct your cell phone usability assessment sessions with will, needless to say, rely on your specific business and its market. Some things to remember include:

- Just how much knowledge they should have of employing their cell phones to access services. This is especially essential as the industry for accessing online services through mobile phones is growing and the percent of 'total novices' (i.e. people utilizing the technology for the first time) will soon be much greater than for computer users of your website.

- Which cellular phone or PDA they have. We'd generally suggest that people use their own cellular phone in a session, so the test can focus on your internet site and not on what sort of mobile device works.

Where must portable usability testing sessions be conducted?

PDAs and cellphones are used in the real world so usability testing of handheld devices should consequently not just happen in a usability laboratory.

Where, when and what sort of cell phone is used is crucial to a person's connection with the site they are accessing. Some of the following circumstances can influence this knowledge and thus factors of the site's usability:

- Lighting

- Back ground sound

- Distractions

- Concurrent jobs (i.e. any such thing the individual is performing at once)

- Physical movement

As such, we had recommend, when possible, that any mobile phone and PDA usability testing is done both in a and also in the 'outside world.'

How you run and prepare mobile phone usability sessions is likely to be based on your organization and its market, nevertheless the hottest types of mobile usability testing include:

- Lab-based (employing a camera to record the session)

- Diary-studies (asking visitors to keep a log of how they've used their cell phone and any problems they experience)

- Paper prototypes (working usability testing on a paper-based version of your website, using mobile phone screen-sized items of paper).

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