Quit Smoking With An E Cig

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 20:51, 27. veljače 2014. koju je unio/unijela Soup49beach (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

Yes, weve seen the electronic cigarette in stores and all over online promoted as the healthiest alternative to smoking tobacco burning cigarettes, but what is it exactly? It is basically an electronic version of the real thing. It looks, feels, and tastes exactly like a real cigarette, minus the horrible chemicals that a real cigarette is filled with and the unhealthy smoke which causes health problems not only for the smoker but anyone around them as well.

The atomizer is the heart of the ecig. This is the device that vaporizes your nicotine liquid (ejuice) and turns it into "smoke". It needs a battery to work. The fresher your battery charge, the better it works. Atomizers may last for a few weeks or a few months. They need occasional maintenance to clean out excess eliquid. Most users stock up on several atomizers so that when one fails, and it will, you won't have to be without your ecig. Since your eliquid, and therefore its taste, will be in your atomizer, many ecig users have an atomizer for each flavor.

How to make E Cig Juice solely intend to help people who already smoke, and wish to quit smoking. These products are not meant for nonsmokers, or for those under legal smoking age. Understand that, e-cigs may not be suitable for expecting or nursing mothers, nor for people with chronic conditions such as heart diseases, hypertension, diabetes, and asthma, to name a few. It is important to seek medical attention if after using these products, one experiences nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, dizziness, palpitations, or other abnormal symptoms. Electronic cigarettes must be kept away from children, and pets lest they may accidentally ingest their components, which might cause severe results. Also, too much inhalation of nicotine may be injurious to health.

Propylene glycol has similar thermal properties to ethylene glycol in that it can lower the freezing point of water when added to it. As a result, propylene glycol is often used as aircraft de-icing fluid, according to Steve Ritter's article What's That Stuff?" on the C&EN website.

I never thought I'd be able to quit cigarettes until I tried the Green Machine. There are several other electronic cigarettes on the market, but the Green Machine is the one I use, and it works. Three months ago I would have given anyone a stiff argument about the dangers of tobacco use. I had all the answers to all the anti-smokers' arguments. Now I know I was dead wrong. No, I'm not dead, but I could have been because I was too stubborn to listen.

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