Wikipedia And The Nofollow Controversy

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 17:39, 11. veljače 2014. koju je unio/unijela Todmelton1384 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

If you are maybe not involved in the search engine marketing community, January 21st, 2007 probably held no significance for you. However, if you're a se marketer or SEO, you probably remember January 21st because the day that Wikipedia died. To the inexperienced eye, Wikipedia is exactly the exact same today as it was half a year ago. But, after you have a look and dig below the top, you is able to see one difference that's had an impact on the world of se optimization: NOFOLLOW. In the words of Matt Cutts, 'rel='nofollow' feature is an simple way for a site to tell search engines that the web site cant or doesnt wish to vouch for a link.' Before January 21st, NOFOLLOW was used mainly for blog comments. Get extra information on this related wiki - Click here: seo company services discussions. This served blog owners lessen comment spam. NOFOLLOW was also used in some situations to represent a link, but this really is a whole other conflict that'll have to be preserved for an alternative post. On every single outgoing link the reason why that Wikipedias usage of NOFOLLOW caused many people considered it as probably the most hypocritical choice that Wikipedia may have made such a stir is. The reason that Wikipedia is becoming so common and works so effectively in the SERPs is that web site owners and people commonly guide Wikipedia. When they do this, they provide a link back to Wikipedia. If you think anything, you will likely choose to discover about orange county web design services investigation. Each and every time that process occurs, Wikipedia gets a little more recognition within the search engines. Visit purchase website design orange county to research the reason for this concept. This lovely advertiser article directory has endless majestic warnings for where to look at it. They're telling the search engines that although we guide a web site and may use content from it in our article, we do not want you to give it any credit, when Wikipedia decided to apply the NOFOLLOW draw. It's because of this that lots of have started to view as a huge hypocrisy Wikipedia. Wikipedia could have chosen a different way for fighting spam that didn't punish quality web sites which deserve to be identified by Wikipedia, although NOFOLLOW has probably reduce the amount of spam Wikipedia has to fight, but as many the others have said.

Wikipedia And The Nofollow Controversy

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