Simple Crockpot Recipes for a Three-Course Meal

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 11:00, 26. rujna 2013. koju je unio/unijela Evan723 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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I never thought a crockpot can be so versatile. On a current obstacle with a few good friend, we brought out a three-course meal; appetizer, main dish and a dessert, all finished with a crockpot! With the support of our cookbooks, you could make wonders. Let me share the crockpot recipes with you and try it for yourself. Perhaps you could say that this may not be a three-course meal, however it sure was a party-saver ..

Smoked Sausage And Beans

2 lg. pork-n-beans (3-21 oz. cans).

1 pt. chili sauce.

1 c. cookout dressing.

1 c. pleasant and sour sauce.

1 1/2 lbs. smoked sausage (sliced into bite-size pieces).

On a 12-inch Dutch stove, location all ingredients in Dutch stove. Mix together.

Bake for 30 mins at 375 degrees.

Crock Pot Chicken In Mushroom Gravy.

3 entire chick busts, cut in half.

1/4 c. dry white wine or poultry broth.

1 can cream of chicken soup.

1 (4 oz.) could mushrooms, cut.

Salt & pepper.

Area chicken pieces in crock flowerpot. Season with salt and pepper. Mix wine and soup. Pour over chicken. Include mushrooms. To discover additional information, we know people gaze at: cake recipe. Cover and prepare on reduced for 7 to 9 hrs or high 3 to 4 hours. Dish might be increased in 5-quart crockery pot.

Spiced Fruit Cobbler.

4 cans or 1 qt. fruit.

1 tsp. nutmeg.

1 tsp. cinnamon.

2 tbsp. To learn additional info, please consider checking out: Cook Good Meals With Your Cooking Tips|stagevessel6のブログ. glucose.

1 pkg. white birthday cake mix.

1 1/2 c. water.

1 1/2 c. water.

2 eggs.

Spot drainpiped fruit pieces in base of Dutch stove. Sprinkle with flavors and sugar. Blend cake mix, water and eggs.

Pour over fruit mix. Cover and cook 25-35 moments at 350 levels.


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