Class C IPs

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 22:23, 16. kolovoza 2013. koju je unio/unijela Evan723 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

Here is a SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION myth that's certainly not been established one way o-r still another yet. The myth is that having links from-the sam-e class C IP will not help you. If you dont understand what I am referring to heres how you breakdown an ip.


So where the CCC is that number must be differ. We discovered purchase by searching webpages. This Site contains new information about where to ponder this belief. The thinking behind this is the fact that some body could get hosting and put 1,000 different sites onto it and then link them to one site trying to obtain its link popularity. This lovely wholesale read more wiki has uncountable fresh lessons for the inner workings of it. So the se's put an end to that by utilizing the IP of the sites to estimate just how much weight to provide the link.

There are many people that dont think that this myth is true simply for the reality of how popular shared hosting is. If this myth is true then dozens of websites on a single shared hosting server cant help each other out with rating.

There is some evidence that will prove this fantasy however. I've adopted many discussions on this matter and have seen some results that produce me a believer. The outcome fundamentally just prove what sort of site with less links may out rank a site with quite a bit more links. The reason being your website with less links includes a lot more different class C IPs links than the one with only more links.

Like I said I'm a strong believer in this myth and I dont even like to refer to it as a myth but until proven beyond question I'll call it that just to make people happy. For different ways to look at the situation, you should glance at: investigate So when you're doing link building be sure to look at the IP address o-n where your link will be put into order to make sure your link will take one of the most weight.

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