What is a Secret

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 14:14, 29. rujna 2013. koju je unio/unijela Evan723 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
Skoči na: orijentacija, traži
okttba blog</a>. A solution might be yet another child admitting they did something wrong and asking your child not to tell. It might even be a grownup acting inappropriately with your child and telling the child to keep this a secret and not tell mother. 

My young ones asked of course, 'who will inform us bad techniques'? . I begun to tell them that bad people tell bad strategies, and quickly realized this is not true at all. Alternatively I made a decision to let them know a poor key may come from both a kid and a grownup who is doing something wrong. To this day I still believe that only someone doing something wrong may ask a kid to keep a key from mommy or daddy.

My kids and I spent several hours speaking about secrets and that mommy and/or dad should be told secrets. I also assured them they could NOT be in trouble for telling mommy or daddy a key. I can remember once or twice, my young ones telling and dropping a great secret when they were not designed to, but I kept my word and they never got in some trouble. You see, I have often heard that somebody operating wrongly will say 'if you tell your mother, you'll get in trouble.' I never wanted my child to own a visual image of having in trouble for telling mother a solution. We discovered mind master review by searching Yahoo.
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