CLARUS - Internet solutions. Design. Polygraphy.8459437

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 07:29, 12. siječnja 2014. koju je unio/unijela RichardjirdnjsjsjWheeland (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

The agency CLARUS developed by people with experience in the field of advertising, design and software development. We work according to the most efficient principles of work organization.

The business management is centralized and located in the capital city of Latvia in Riga. The responsibilities of the newly developed team are professionally distributed.

Any work with every project, starting from the beginning of its development until its end, is completed in the highly professional manner and properly. We are doing our best to implement new ideas every day, value the unique experiences highly and we are happy to participate in perspective projects.

We started our business in 2000 and have been in successful operation for 13 years, developing the following directions: the internet solutions, software development, the graphic arts and design.

As a result of our work, there are more than 100 Internet projects and above 300 various graphic arts works completed. We use only modern technologies in our work, the equipment, software and the unique possibilities of the leading manufacturers of the world to offer our clients a chance to stay a step ahead of their competitors.

The objective of development of the agency CLARUS is to develop the policy to provide sustainable development of companies, increasing the efficiency of their activities, maximum provision of expectations and requirements of our clients.

We are here to assist you to introduce your company, product, the company’s brand to the world in a convincing and determined manner.

Detailed info on dizains can be found on the main website.

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