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Inačica od 11:20, 18. siječnja 2014. koju je unio/unijela Fenderage1 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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One such colorful line of glassware and one that receives a great deal of interest.. Caterbox Uk Ltd You Tube contains further about when to deal with this idea. If people claim to identify additional resources about stackable storage boxes , there are heaps of on-line databases you might consider investigating. Glassware lovers the world over come in tune towards the beautiful and varied collections of glass that outline certain generations. Once we see the shades and lines metamorphose to reflect the changing times, glassware lines can act as a historical time-line. There are glassware collections for several budgets and tastes running from your conservative and clear to the vibrant and cool. One such colorful type of glassware and one that gets a lot of interest by lovers is green glassware. Green glassware begun to be stated in the 1830s; glass blowers achieved the green glasswares special color by adding uranium throughout the production process. Link includes further about the meaning behind this activity. Also known as Vaseline glass, green glassware while green is color is clear. Consumers were intrigued by the unique selection and its popularity soared. Obviously the possible health effects of eating and drinking from glassware made of uranium did not go unnoticed. Researchers figured the quantities of uranium contained in the glassware did not cause much concern. Nevertheless, later study gave different results; it had been unearthed that water cups created from green glassware did pose risk for uranium contamination. Subsequently, the collection of green glassware is basically for decorative purposes; most consumers wouldn't think of exposing them-selves needlessly to even small traces of uranium so this isn't a line that's put in practical every-day use much any longer. Like many producers of the time, production ceased during Word War II and the natural glassware point would not reappear until the end-of the 1950s. At this time the production method turned to-the use of depleted uranium in the place of natural uranium. You can find companies that continued to make decorative natural glassware and still do to-day. However the period pieces just before World War II are most popular for collectors. Acquiring green glassware can be tricky because the pieces can look quite just like any green colored glass. A proven way to look for reliability whilst not a precise science is to take the glass into a black place and show it to ultraviolet light. Genuine glass must in most cases literally glow-in the dark from its uranium content.

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