Life After Death - Is It Really Necessary That We Prove It?

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 20:43, 18. siječnja 2014. koju je unio/unijela Margaretta616 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Life After Death - Is It Really Necessary That We Prove It?

Recently, I ran across a book published in 1918 by Arthur Conan Doyle called 'The New Revelation.' It was his first book concerning his views on spiritualism and psychic phenomena. I discovered it exciting to-read, as much of the 'proof' he gathered and retold regarding 'life' in the afterlife continues to be the same as what our mediums, platforms, and other metaphysical experts of today inform us.

Truth be told, we've been receiving evidence of an afterlife for hundreds of years. People through the duration of time have mentioned angels, visitations from communications, cat agencies, poltergeists, and tones from beyond. Stories of reincarnation continue to flood in, many from young children who'd not have had access, nor the understanding, to make and imagine a number of the stories they tell. Browsing To more information certainly provides cautions you should tell your pastor. With our life-saving medical equipment and contemporary medicine, the occurrences of near-death experiences are being introduced to the open more and more often. Really, how much more 'proof' do we need?

And yet..skeptics still abound. My cousin discovered motivational books by browsing Yahoo. Navigating To BookCrossing - blueclick26's Bookshelf seemingly provides lessons you can tell your pastor. What is more interesting is that different forms and statistics show that approximately 80% of the world's citizenry believes in: life after death, that we have a heart and that it continues to exist after our 'physical' deaths, that there's a Heaven, and that there's some sort of author who watches over us. Out of the 20% left, about half are sitting on the wall and have not made up their minds on things to think. That leaves only hundreds of people that we need to 'encourage and show proof too.' Where case I need to ask this question.. Why do we must prove anything to the very small group of individuals?

As I mentioned at first, I had just finished reading Doyle's 'The Newest Revelation' (you can see the entire book online at our website). While reading, I stumbled upon an extremely interesting statement he made and one-in which we should all think about:

.'.we have reached a point where further proof is unnecessary, and where the weight of disproof lies upon people who reject. The very people who clamour for proofs have, as a rule, never take-n the trouble to look at the copious proofs which already exist..'

Isn't that an interesting remark made by someone almost a hundred years ago? .'.where the weight of disproof lies upon individuals who deny..' The evidence has been all around us forever and the majority of us know this. And yet, here we're inside the twenty-first century STILL looking to give evidence that there is indeed a spiritual sphere. How about we put the burden of proof on the disbelievers and keep these things DISPROVE the existence of an afterlife? The truth is that they can not - there is a lot of evidence that indicates that there's more to the existence of 'life' than our physcial senses can recognize. Think about it. Has anyone found you absolute evidence that once you die, that is it, sport over, nothing more exists? However, skeptics regularly spout this idea. Success Principles contains extra information about how to engage in it. Well, if this is true, where's the evidence and re-search?

Can there be life after death? The thousands upon thousands of recorded and carefully researched metaphysical cases point to the fact there's certainly something beyond the material experiences of our physical realm. The believers in a spiritual afterlife obviously have nothing left to show. It's time we turned the tables and expected that the disbelievers persuade many the entire world that life ends with your physical death.

Oh, incidentally, good luck with that.

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