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Inačica od 20:44, 19. siječnja 2014. koju je unio/unijela Jedsanders3274 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Mobile telephone and PDA usability testing is essential to your enterprise. In reality, mobile and handheld usability testing could be even more crucial than personal computer-based usability testing. The major factors for this are: - The number of people accessing the Net from mobile and handheld devices is escalating at a enormous price - in 2008 alone there'll be an estimated 58 million PDAs sold worldwide (supply: eTForecast). - Folks generally have a lot much less experience of using their mobile to go on the internet than they do of making use of their computer. This means that computer-based users can be assumed to have a higher level of current knowledge than mobile and handheld users. - The platform by way of which customers access your internet site is far less predictable when utilizing mobile phones. Pc-based internet site visitors generally only differ from one particular one more in their browser and operating technique (i.e. most men and women will use a screen, mouse and keyboard), whereas the various kinds of mobile phones and PDAs differ can drastically. Which mobile phones and PDAs do you require to think about? Mobile phones and PDAs can differ from one an additional dramatically, and this will radically adjust how individuals expertise and use internet sites. Some of the techniques in which handheld devices can differ consist of: - Screen size (modest vs. Dig up further on this partner essay by clicking mobile marketing solutions. massive) - Screen layout (portrait vs. landscape) - Input device (stylus, numeric keypad, dial-wheel, QWERTY keypad) Since the mobile phone / PDA that someone is using will have such a profound impact on their expertise of your web site, you must try to test with as a lot of mobile phones and PDAs as feasible. Of course, testing with every mobile phone and PDA is impossible. Here are some tips to aid narrow down the quantity of devices you'll need to test with: - Your mobile site visitors may possibly belong to a specific audience. Specific audiences tend to prefer specific varieties of phones (e.g. Visit this URL research mobile marketing companies to explore how to recognize this view. phones with massive screens that are created to assistance on-line access vs. This riveting sponsor URL has a myriad of pictorial warnings for the purpose of this view. small-screen models that are not). - There are 'phone families' that supply a extremely comparable user encounter (and will not need to be tested individually). - You could only want to test with the most popular mobile phones in Europe or the most common models that are getting utilised to access your internet site (you can verify your website statistics to uncover out this details). Who do you want to test with? The folks you want to conduct your mobile telephone usability testing sessions with will, of course, rely on your certain business and its audience. Some things to bear in mind incorporate: - How considerably experience they should have of employing their mobile phones to access solutions. This is particularly crucial as the market for accessing on-line solutions by way of mobile phones is expanding and the % of 'complete novices' (i.e. folks making use of the technology for the very first time) will be far greater than for personal computer customers of your web site. - Which mobile phone or PDA they have. We would typically recommend that people use their own mobile phone in a session, so the test can focus on your site and not on the way the handheld device functions. Exactly where should mobile usability testing sessions be carried out? Mobile phones and PDAs are employed in the true globe so usability testing of handheld devices should therefore not only take location in a usability laboratory. Exactly where, when and how a mobile telephone is employed is critical to a person's knowledge of the internet site they are accessing. Any of the following circumstances could influence this experience and as a result considerations of the site's usability: - Lighting - Background noise - Distractions - Concurrent tasks (i.e. something the individual is undertaking at the very same time) - Physical movement As such, we'd suggest, if attainable, that any mobile phone and PDA usability testing is carried out each in a laboratory and also in the 'outside world'. How you program and run mobile phone usability sessions will be based on your organization and its audience, but the most well-known techniques of mobile usability testing incorporate: - Lab-primarily based (utilizing a camera to record the session) - Diary-research (asking individuals to hold a diary of how they have utilized their mobile telephone and any problems they encounter) - Paper prototypes (operating usability testing on a paper-primarily based version of the web site, utilizing mobile telephone screen-sized pieces of paper).

Mobile & handheld usability testing - why it matters

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