An Anti-virus And How It Saved My Computer.

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 00:32, 20. siječnja 2014. koju je unio/unijela Hortencia963 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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An Anti-virus And How It Saved My Computer.

I like numerous others out there whose comp..

Maybe not too long ago I experienced a major melt down on my computer, I'm afraid to say it was due to a disease. Visit per your request to research the meaning behind it. It seems the Anti-virus I'd at that time was having a conflict with my laptop; as a result, a nasty virus snuck in my own program and began playing around. In the beginning, I didn't know what it was, web-pages did not load correctly, and if they did programs either would not load or would freeze. I also got the dreaded Blue Screen.

I like many more available whose computers today have infections even though they've an anti-virus system. My computer and my anti-virus had issues, and I did not understand what it was until it was almost too late. A buddy of mine mentioned that I could have a virus; I explained to her that I had a program and it was running. Discover new resources about click here by visiting our pictorial URL. It was then that I realized that not all anti-viruses capture all worms. She suggested I do a scan on my computer. I did so using my old anti-virus and it turned up clear. I was then told to perform another virus cleaner software, I did and low and behold, there were many of the small rotten things hiding in my PC. It seems that my anti-virus hadn't done its job. Luckily, although I found one which did, AVG Free Edition. Get more about Traditional antivirus programs ineffective against new unidentified worms! | Diigo Gr by browsing our powerful portfolio.

My plans began working again, my Internet did not say goodbye, once I eliminated the viruses, and my life on my computer returned back to normalcy. Why am I telling you my misfortune with Computer Viruses, simple really. I was luckily enough to really have a friend help me in my time of need and I desire to be in a position to help you as mine did before yours gets as poor.

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