Satisfy Professional Handmade Guitar Maker - Ron Luczak

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 06:33, 21. siječnja 2014. koju je unio/unijela Coleman19 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Who owns the initial guitar you established in 1982?

I even now have that guitar, it is a modest programma per accordare chitarra classica "mini" sized copy in the 1958 Gibson 'Explorer" model, but I in no way totally completed it more than enough to generate it playable. I had been so psyched about what I accomplished half way by way of, which i purchased additional lumber and commenced building some more complete dimension guitars and from there I just kept going.

How come you favor to operate with Mahogany, Maple and Rosewood?

These woods are traditional musical instrument woods and i rationalized that there have to become a superior purpose they have been usually utilized, so I didn't deviate far too much, while I've experimented with other wooden species I usually come back into the Mahoganies & Maples.

You don't play guitar, so what keeps you so motivated to create. Is it a love for music?

I don't actively "play" at the moment but I used to be drawn to guitars as early as I can remember and i learned how to play over time and have been in bands and made occasional recordings mainly as a hobby. When I had been about 20, it seemed like everybody was playing the guitar and i got the notion to try to build a guitar and that i just never stopped. I can pick up a guitar and play anytime I want, but building is just more exciting to me.

I understand you'd like to create a guitar for Paul McCartney. Have you tried to reach out to him or his "people" for making it happen?

His name is just the main one I could think of during a local TV interview, which was conducted at 8am when I was barely awake and hadn't had coffee yet (ha). It could have been a lot of different "names" which i might have blurted out, but yes It would be marvelous to have him or any in the many artist's which i admire to play a guitar I made. I don't feel comfortable soliciting a famous person to hold my guitar just because their famous, or for gimmicky reasons. I'd rather they want one because they find my guitar to be described as a useful tool to create their music with.

Can you make other instruments?

I've made some Bass guitars but I feel which i fully understand how a regular 6-string guitar should feel, play and sound so for the time being I'm compelled to concentrate on doing "what I do best", though I do aspire to build Mandolin's and Arch-Top Jazz guitars in the future.

What is your ultimate dream for Luczak Guitars?

When I was just starting out in my early twenties I imagined the scenario of a huge factory with lots of employees and every music store around would stock my guitars, but now, quite honestly, that sounds like a great big stress-filled headache! I don't want the "Business" of it all to stifle my "Art". I would be content to operate a small scale production with just a couple of employees who are also fellow crafts-people and 8 hours a day we would custom hand-build each guitar for the customer, as it was ordered, while preserving our social lives, such as having a beer at the 501 in Flint on Friday nights with our closest friends.