Freedom Of Mind

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 06:47, 21. siječnja 2014. koju je unio/unijela Coleman816 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Freedom Of Mind

There is a particular concept (word or phrase used throughout relaxation) of which I am very fond: Baba Nam Kevalam. It's written in the language and I've seen it translated into English many ways through the years. 'God's name only' can be a quite simple, direct and of use one, but I have a tendency to translate it differently for my yoga students. 'Everything can be an expression of God' or 'Every thing is an expression of the great consciousness.' Whether that is the best translation or not, I can't say, however it works for me, and I believe the statement to be the truth and furthermore that the conclusion of that truth by a person may result in a remarkable change in him/her. A change from the 'standard' to the sublime, from the tortured to the cheerful, from the ignorant to the wise, from the harmful to the sympathetic, from the unconscious to the conscious.

Often when I simply think on the term 'conscious,' I become euphoric. It is so simple, however so liberating to be certainly alert to anything, anything. No big secret. To be 'aware' of some thing is another way of saying it. If I tell my kids it is snowing outside, they'll quickly run to the window to examine the tale, and assuming I've told the truth, they will soon become 'aware' of the snow. Visit Dealing With Loss Teaching Your Young children About Life And Death | to research how to ponder it. They run to the screen, not because they don't believe me, but because they are hungry for that experience of knowing of the snow. Snow is some thing they've seen before but only rarely within the area we are now living in. Yet, it is some thing they love for many reasons. Snow gives them great joy and they drink in-the 'perspective' from your window. I discovered this month by browsing the Internet. What a blessing it is that keeps their attention (another term for mind in my opinion) so firmly. The snow is so white and pure, and it drifts so softly towards the Earth apparently from Heaven. Twenty minutes before they might have been arguing over a toy they do not also want to play with, however now they are sharing a screen as they both witness snow. Their thoughts are focused, joyful, one with the snow. For my young ones, snow is fulfilling the purpose of art, training their minds up from their normal existence into a more complex state.

But what exactly is consciousness? It's some thing we all have to some extent, some people seem to have more of it than others, and we lose if for a while, if we get hit o-n the pinnacle too hard. But is it something we can grow and grow? Can we grow or somehow strengthen our consciousness? I am not discussing the intellect. That is some thing different. That's the computer, the info manipulator, the tiny puzzle solver. I am talking about mind. The mind that tells us 'I'm breathing', 'I'm cold', 'Sunlight just came up', 'I am hungry', 'I exist' 'You exist' 'I have a happy experience within my heart.'

I suggest that we consider a valuable thing to consciousness that can be expanded/developed, and something that can be utilized to an extent we would not have dreamed possible. More over, I am likely to go very far from a limb now and tell you I think we could use this 'super-consciousness' to revolutionize our individual existence and give us undreamed of powers. Next, I'd prefer to introduce the concept of 'instinct.' This is a term we are all familiar with, although not generally in terms of faith. However intuition is looked at as not much more than a lucky hunch here and there, but I believe it is a natural although undeveloped individual ability, which can be equally trustworthy and nothing more than an expansion of that daily 'consciousness' that I mentioned above. Identify more on an affiliated article directory - Browse this hyperlink: open site in new window.

So what could be the problem? Why are not we all brimming over with-the power of intuition? Because:

A. We're sinking in an ocean of emotional noise

T. There's no 'B'

OK, keep your hat; this is the way I see it.. Our primary existence is consciousness. Essentially, we're nothing more or less than the usual pin-point of pure consciousness. That pin-point is surrounded by the remainder of the cosmos, which I will call 'truth.' We are the subject, 'fact' is the subject (signal) we're attempting to be 'conscious' of, but (for better or worse) in between we've a layer of noise, which I will call the 'ego', a fictitious feeling of self, a misunderstanding of who we're, and that persistent notion that we're this ridiculous dream personality may be the only thing preventing us from experiencing heaven below on Earth.

Therefore, just how do we accomplish this mind and get rid of the sound? For want of a better word, let's call it 'yoga.' Yoga specifically translated means 'union,' just like the translation of the word 'faith' in addition. Yoga claims to unite us with your true character known in yoga communities as 'the Self.' The whole nature of yoga practice goes way beyond the scope of this short essay, but for the benefit of the beginner who may hold the misunderstanding that yoga is merely a couple of stretching exercises, I will briefly stepped on the 8 'limbs' of yoga as originally introduced by the great yogi Pantanjali:

1. Yama (several 5 morel principles of the street)

2. Niyama; some additional instructions for day to day behavior (study, helping others etc)

3. Asanas; the physical exercises which have become popular in the West

4. Pranayama; best-known as breathing exercises

5. Pratyahara; withdrawal from the senses (preliminary to mediation)

6. Dharana; awareness exercises (relaxation)

7. Dhyana; Attention to religious phenomena (consideration)

8. Identify more on an affiliated portfolio - Navigate to this URL: open in a new browser. Samadhii; Complete absorption in spiritual knowledge

I highly encourage anybody interested to find instruction from a competent teacher. To find out more on yoga and the Baba Nam Kevalam mantra, please visit

Baba Nam Kevalam.

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