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Inačica od 13:56, 28. siječnja 2014. koju je unio/unijela Shari211 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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It just take experience to positively recognize these nature towards line alters and be able to actually predict them, but listed here are a advantageous rule of thumb: Where you yearn for to think the favorite, bet early; if your site want within order to bet the underdog, think late. Generally, casual gamblers bet later in you see, the day and furthermore bet the favorite. Doing this means which is as a person's day dates on, these line does usually alteration in opt for of the favorite. As example, as long as the favorite is a -6.5 inside the start off of you see, the day, in the role of the visit goes on, more coupled with more many will bet the favorite, and to actually counteract regarding the oddsmaker may go it time for a -7.5. So it might be best to positively bet a person's underdog behind in its day, when the cable is a good number in the actual favor, and as well earlier as the fave.

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