Green tea extract may help blood cancer patients

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Inačica od 10:22, 2. veljače 2014. koju je unio/unijela Apolonia636Se (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Green tea extract may help blood cancer patients

The members of the study were 4 subjects of CLL, the most frequent form of blood cancer, who were being given drugs containing green tea extract epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). After a certain period of time, a decline in cancerous cells within their bodies was observed. 3 of the 4 patients stated improved response to treatment and one had improved white blood cell count. One patient whose lymph nodes had swollen up reduced in size after she started taking green tea pills.

Early in the day in 2004, the same group of experts, led by Dr Tait Shanafelt, had conducted a laboratory study of the influence of EGCG on leukemia cells. The findings were revealed in a 2004 version of the journal Blood. It'd been discovered that the green tea extract killed the leukemia cells. The ability of these people provides some idea our previously published laboratory studies could possibly translate into clinical consequences for people with the condition, Dr Shanafelt said. To get a different standpoint, we recommend people check-out: purchase here.

Green tea is certainly thought to have cancer-prevention features. It's interesting that research has become showing this agent might provide new hope for CLL individuals, Dr Shanafelt added. So far, no remedy has been found for CLL, a progressing malignancy that usually objectives people over 55 years. Based on Doctor Shanafelt, further studies are essential for establishing the precise process and influence and the quantity of the extract that is ideal. This ideal Project Wedding website has many pushing warnings for when to consider this view.

We do not know how many people were taking similar items and failed to get any benefit. We also don't yet know the suitable dose that should be used, the fre-quency with which individuals should simply take the medicine, and what side effects will be seen with long-term administration, he explained. To get other viewpoints, consider checking out: close remove frame. The hematologist is currently devel-oping an EGCG capsule for that US National Cancer Institute to find out perhaps the extract might be used-to treat patients with CLL.

The medical fraternity expressed optimism in the outcomes of the study, but felt that it may be too early to celebrate. The findings are interesting, but we can not say yet this is a new therapy for cancer. Learn further on this affiliated wiki by navigating to Living With The Pains of Arthritis - This is a Social Circle Network Meet Others Post. We must perform a large scale, controlled trial to-see if the results hold correct, said Ken Campbell of United Kingdoms Leukemia Research Fund. Around 7300 Americans are diagnosed with CLL every year, with men being more subject to the disease than women.

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