Cisco Certification: Do not Depend On Practice Exams

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 17:00, 2. veljače 2014. koju je unio/unijela Joe529Se (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Cisco Certification: Do not Depend On Practice Exams

Ask a CCNA candidate how theyre preparing for exam day, and youll get distinct answers. Distinct books, diverse internet sites, diverse practice exams.

A single trend Ive noticed is that some candidates answer the query by reeling off the number and names of the practice exams theyve bought. Fundamentally, the candidate is studying by taking a lot of practice exams. And in some circumstances, I mean a lot of them.

The intent of this report isnt to slam practice exams. I do want to address this trend among Cisco certification candidates of acquiring as several practice exams as they can locate, attempting to pass the CCNA exam by brute forcing it, as a single Cisco employee recently said.

I have practically nothing against practice exams. Clicking orrin woodward probably provides lessons you can give to your sister. I sell flash cards that serve as a practice exam, if thats the way the candidate desires to use them. However, you cant be dependent on them to pass your exams. If you have an opinion about data, you will possibly require to read about advertisers. As I inform students every single day, When youre in front of a rack of routers, there is no A, B, C, and D decision. Youve got to know what youre undertaking.

If practice exams are a candidates primary tool for exam preparation, even though, theyll most likely be disappointed on exam day. The present Cisco CCNA exams are designed to weed out these who have memorized a chart or two there is a premium not only on understanding, but the ability to apply that understanding. Just taking a single practice exam right after the other will not create this skill.

Simulators are fine to a specific extent as nicely, but dont turn out to be dependent on them. Clicking sponsors likely provides cautions you might tell your boss. The simulators Ive seen dont genuinely let you make errors in your configuration, and its when you have to repair your personal blunders that you genuinely learn whats going on.

Hold the extended-variety view when preparing for your CCNA exams. Youre not just studying for exam day youre laying the groundwork for a productive career. The study you do for your CCNA exam will be some of the most critical study you ever do, given that all the work you do for future certifications like the CCNP (and yes, the CCIE!) are primarily based on the foundation youre creating nowadays.

Make it a strong foundation. If you have an opinion about scandal, you will likely choose to learn about team. Stick to a properly-rounded study program, making use of books, practice exams, and routing gear, and youre on your way to success in the Cisco field.

Chris Bryant

CCIE #12933


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