The Three Horsemen

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 12:35, 12. veljače 2014. koju je unio/unijela Dillonmercer4802 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Self doubt, indecision, & fear the three horsemen that ruin your chances for success. When you yourself have one of these emotions another two are nearby. If you've doubt in your abilities as a fighter or are incisive on how you're planning to fight your opponent, fear will automatically kick-in & dominate. Your odds of being victorious before even entering the ring is going to be knocked out. These emotions can effect your performance due to the mind / body connection. You'll wait o-n fully committing to your techniques & combinations while fighting. You will telegraph your movements due to indecision and your speed of the practices will decrease due to being firm & hard. Like animals, which sense fear, humans are no different. The vibrations of fear pass from one mind to another in the same way quickly & surely as a human voice. Your opponent across the ring can sense your fear & put it to use to his advantage. To explore additional info, we know you take a glance at: see more mma. The three horsemen have to be mastered before declaring your subject in or outside of the ring. Here are some ideas 1. Learn further on a related wiki by visiting reba Activity Streams MYA Space. Think from your competitors mind, what could he do? 2. Watch & review your competitors fights to acquire a feeling of his game plan 3. Concentrate & remind your-self of your talents as a fighter. To get different interpretations, please consider looking at: sponsor. 4. At night before going to sleep rehearse your combat plan in your mind & what you will do to counter attacks 5. Have a flexible battle plan ready in your mind & stay glued to it “IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS YOU MUST SPOT YOURSELF IN YOUR OPPONENT’S SKIN.IF YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND YOURSELF, YOU'LL LOSE a HUGE NUMBER OF THE TIME.IF YOU UNDERSTAND YOURSELF YOU WILL GET 50% OF TIMES. IF YOU RECOGNIZE YOURSELF & YOUR OPPOSITION YOU'LL WIN hundreds OF THE TIME.” Tsutomu Oshima.

The Three Horsemen

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