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Inačica od 18:13, 19. lipnja 2013. koju je unio/unijela Adan435 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Steroid will be the artificial drug or natural ingredient, or steroid hormone that promotes growth or the growth or function of the reproductive organs and the improvement of secondary sex characteristics. There are lots of types of synthetic drug o-r natural ste-roids. The natural steroid alcohol derived from plants or animals is named sterol. Sterol is waxy insoluble compound.

Sex steroid, o-r the steroid that helps to develop hormones estrogen and androgen in body is recognized as steroid hormone, sex hormone. The steroid hor-mone or intercourse steroid interacts with vertebrate androgen or estrogen receptors. The normal sex steroid is naturally made by the gonads (ovaries or testicles), by adrenal glands, or by transformation from other sex steroids in other cells such as liver or fat. It's sometimes also called gonadal steroid. Discover more about one world whey by browsing our unique wiki.

Sex steroid o-r steroid hor-mone plays secondary sex characteristics of human anatomy and key role in primary sex characteristics. It controls the develop-ment of both primary and secondary sexual traits. Steroid hormones are largely classified as androgens, estrogens, and progestagen. Dig up more on this affiliated article directory - Hit this webpage: growth hormone. Androgens steroids may also be known as anabolic steroids. Progesterone is the most important and only naturally-occurring human. The androgens include androstenedione, testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, and anabolic steroids. This surprising remove frames article has a myriad of dynamite aids for the inner workings of this concept. The estrogens contain diethylstilbestrol and estradiol. The progestagens include progesterone and progestins. Steroid hormones are also classified as progestagen. glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoid, and vitamin d

Artificially unnatural steroids and sterols in many cases are useful for various medical applications. There's a broad selection of sterols and synthetic steroids available on the market. This offensive read this article directory has a myriad of pictorial suggestions for where to study this idea.

Almost all of medications are steroid, but non-steroid molecules can interact with the steroid receptors because of a similarity of form. Some of synthetic steroid drugs are weaker and some are much stronger, compared to natural ste-roids whose receptors they stimulate.

Some of synthetic steroid hormones include; glucocorticoids- prednisone, dexamethasone, triamcinolone; mineralocorticoid- fludrocortisone; supplement d- dihydrotachysterol; androgens- oxandrolone, decadurabolin; estrogens- diethylstilbestrol (des ); and progestins: norethindrone, medroxyprogesterone ace-tate.

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