Anuya Waghmare Writer

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 17:54, 22. veljače 2014. koju je unio/unijela Soup49beach (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

The dangers of cigarette smoking used to be unknown to the public. Back in the 1920's, smoking became a new fad for the younger generations to dive into. Women gained rights, and used their bodies to their advantage at times. One such right was the need to be sexy. Smoking seemed to personify that need (as seen by all of the smoking ads of flapper girl's back then!) That decade was called the Roaring 20's because the changes that the US went through were so quick, and so phenomenal, it was as if the US industries "roared" to life. Life was changing; from the abolition of alcohol to its reinstatement, and the addition of gangs and major mobs -- to the beginnings of large-scale wars, and technological industry.

The electronic cigarette is composed of five parts. The tube which houses all of the components, the atomizer which heats up the nicotine solution, the battery, the cartridge that contains the nicotine solution, and then the nicotine solution itself. When the smoker inhales on the end of the cigarette, it activates the battery. The battery then turns on the atomizer. The atomizer draws in the nicotine solution from the cartridge and heats it up. The nicotine solution inside of the electronic cigarette is now in vapor form. The vapor is inhaled by the smoker and it feels very similar to a traditional tobacco hit.

Organic E Juice users learned from Action and Smoking on Health Australia that a 30-year-old tobacco smoker can probably live for only 35 years whereas a 30-year-old non-smoker will reach the age of 53. University of California researchers disclosed that each pack of cigarettes you smoke can shorten your life by two months.

You can buy e-cigarettes at your local mall at the kiosks for about $150 per kit or you can go online to a reputable supplier like and buy kits starting at $25 that are of equal or greater value than the mall kiosks.

The similarities in function and feel of an electronic cigarette is what is making this invention take the world by storm. The tough laws in the United States regarding smoking in public have made this invention more and more popular in recent months. If you want to save a lot of money and not put hundreds of deadly chemicals inside of your body then an electronic cigarette is for you. You will be able to enjoy the experience of smoking, without all of the side affects that come along with it. People from all over the world are switching to electronic cigarettes and are able to get their nicotine fix in all kinds of places like bars, clubs, and even airplanes.

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