Quit Smoking With An E Cig

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 11:58, 23. veljače 2014. koju je unio/unijela Soup49beach (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

Reports from more smokers can be seen through this link - http://countingbreaths.com/annecdotes.html#Smoking. These people succeeded by using the simple technique of 'FOCUSING ON BREATHING'. It can be practiced anywhere, any time. It induces relaxation, reduces stress and gradually weakens established habit patterns like helpless smoking.

Cigar smoking can also lead to oral cancers and the most common of them is tongue cancer, which not only affects the mouth but the throat area as well. It causes pain in the ear and pain when you try to swallow things. Patients of bladder cancer face pain when they urinate and they also have in the joints of their bodies.

The FDA published a report stating that they found traces of Diethylene glycol, also remarking that it is found in Antifreeze. This report has received criticism from proponents of Organic E Liquid arguing that Diethylene glycol is also found in toothpaste, wine, cough syrup, and mouthwash. One researcher studying the effects of Diethylene Glycol inhalation on rats found nothing more than a mild irritation in the larynx and nasal turbinates (nasal concha bone).

... continued from the aforementioned point, do you know that smoking is considered to be one of the most serious cause of conditions like miscarriages and other complications in the pregnancy? In fact, smoking can actually increase the chances of your baby being at the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Not to mention that these women are also under the risk of pregnancy issues like ectopic pregnancy, placental abruption (this is wherein the placenta tends to peel off from the uterine wall before the delivery), death of the fetus and stillbirth. So realize that every cigarette you smoke, or even if you inhale the smoke around you, it is reaching your baby and putting it in the dangers which can lead to death.

However you finally shop, the pleasure will be all yours. And then you could be the one noticing the difference. You will notice it in the cleanliness of your home, the friends that do not mind if you smoke, and the money that you are saving.

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