Unlock iPhone Gyroscope

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 20:33, 23. veljače 2014. koju je unio/unijela Oysterzone68 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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The Unlock iPhone Before Contract Ends stands out as being better than any others. Check out the following article to better understand its possibilities.

Keep up on all of the new updates for your phone as they are released. This will help ensure your phone is working as fast and efficiently as possible. This causes you to make certain that all pictures and important data are stored elsewhere so that if your phone gets damaged, you will not lose everything.

You can take pictures with your headphone cord as well. Press the button on the cord when you are ready. By doing this, you do not shake the iPhone, which will ensure your shot is clear.

When using Safari, make calls with a single tap. Perhaps you are searching for a local grocery store. Upon finding the phone number on the website, you don't need to open your phone app to call. Touch the number itself, and the connection will be made automatically.

Siri allows you to establish reminder notifications based on your location. Siri already gives reminders based on a pre-set time. So instead of having Siri remind you to call somewhere at 6 p.m., you can instead have her remind you when you get home. Then, when your iPhone detects you are at home, it gives you a reminder that tells you to phone work. This is a great way for you to set reminders during the course of the day.

Practically any website can be transformed into an app for your iPhone. Open the website on your phone's browser. Once you do this, tap the "Go" icon. Then, you will have the option of adding the site to the home screen. On your home screen, you can then rename the page to whatever you'd like it to be.

Many people use the camera on the iPhone. After a lot of pictures are taken, it is difficult to sort through the pictures in the Camera Roll. The iPhone makes it easy to organize your photos and even easier to find them. It will be easy to locate that needed shot when you do this.

You can turn your favorite website in an app. You just need to visit the site itself. Once you get on the website, tap once on the "Go" option. You will then have the option of adding the website to the home screen. After the shortcut appears on the homepage, you have the option of renaming it.

Did you know that your iPhone can take a screenshot, anytime you like? When you're on the screen you want to save, hold down the home button and then tap on the sleep button. You have successfully saved the screenshot to your iPhone once you see your screen turn white.

As with a lot of smartphones, the iPhone allows you to see a visual indication of your incoming messages and calls. For a more stealthy notification, you can set the LED to blink, flash, and sometimes even go different colors. In the Settings menu, go to General, then to Accessibility. Select the button "LED Flash on Alerts."

After reading this article, you are better informed about all the different functions your iPhone has which you were previously unaware of.

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