Unlock iPhone App

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 07:32, 24. veljače 2014. koju je unio/unijela Hubtuba31 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Having an iPhone 4.2.1 Unlock iPhone 4 can be both a blessing and a curse. It is mind boggling everything you can achieve with the phone, or with the infinite amount of apps available. If you'd like to better understand the tools and functions your iPhone offers quickly, just read the following article.

Getting a larger keyboard makes web browsing simpler. Fortunately, there is no need to purchase a keyboard. Simply turn the device to the side, push the address bar in the browser and you will be all set! The keyboard will be bigger, and you will be able to type on it better.

Save your battery by reducing the brightness of your screen. Just click on over to the settings section and select the option to reduce brightness. If you do this, you can save a great amount of battery. If you want your phone to be as charged as possible, this is especially important.

Your iPhone can also be used as a mobile storage device by downloading an easy to install app. You can easily upload a variety of multimedia files to your iPhone. You can view and manipulate your files right through your iPhone, or link it to another computer to download and access them.

Safari and mail applications are widely used by iPhone owners, but many are not aware of how to save images with these apps. Find the image you want, touch and hold. Next, save options will appear on the screen inside a command box.

Compose emails, notes, and messages faster with this easy tip. You don't have to use a word that the dictionary suggests; you can just tap on the screen in any location in order to dismiss it. The little "X" does not have to be hit!

Speed up your messaging with this trick. If you don't like the dictionary's suggestion for a word replacement, just tap the screen anyplace to get rid of it. An "X" out option appears, as you can simply neglect this.

You can turn your favorite website in an app. You just need to visit the site itself. Once you get on the website, tap once on the "Go" option. You will then have the option of adding the website to the home screen. After the shortcut appears on the homepage, you have the option of renaming it.

The calculator utility is a standard feature on the iPhone that provides you with a quick way to perform common math calculations. In the phone's vertical position, you will get a standard calculator and if you flip it into horizontal position, you will see a scientific calculator.

There is a way to take photographs using an iPhone without having to worry about any shaking. Your headphone's volume controls can be used for taking photos. Start off by focusing your camera on the subject you want to capture. When it is time to snap a photo, just press down on the buttons on the cord.

If you already have an iPhone, you're probably aware of all the things it can provide to you. Regardless, it is easy to spend a great deal of time just looking through them instead of using them. Use the lessons learned while reading this to improve the time you spend on learning your phone to enjoying it.

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