Unlock iPhone Japan Softbank

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 07:42, 24. veljače 2014. koju je unio/unijela Oysterzone68 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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You may be confused with all the different features the How To Unlock iPhone has. Do not let yourself become intimidated by your new device! You can cultivate a deeper understanding of your iPhone's full potential by checking out the great tips presented below.

Minimizing your iPhone's brightness setting will help extend battery life. Go to the settings area on your phone and reduce the brightness level. Your iPhone will draw less power with a darker screen, and you'll find that a single charge lasts longer this way.

Make sure you update your phone when ever updates become available. If you are diligent about doing this, you can be more secure in the fact that your phone will not be subject to glitches and viruses. This also requires you to back up your photos and other information to your computer. This way, if something happens during the update process, you won't lose everything.

Is your iPhone simply pestering you with way too many notifications? This is a simple way to turn them off. Click on settings and tap notifications. Go to your apps and get rid of anything that you don't want there. This can also help your battery life.

Use this tip to send text messages more quickly. You can dismiss a suggested word by tapping elsewhere on your screen. You do not have to press the tiny X that shows up on the word.

Did you know that you can save images easily when online searching on the iPhone? It's really easy to do this. When you're viewing a photo you want to save, just click down on it and make sure that you hold it for around 3 seconds. The box that pops up will have options for manipulating the image.

As you visit websites, try using one finger for scrolling purposes. After that, see how two fingers works for you. Single finger scrolling helps you scroll through boxes on websites that use them to divide sections. You can scroll through the whole page with two fingers.

Your iPhone can provide visual indicators of incoming messages and calls. You can set up the iPhone's LED flash to blink when a call or message comes in. This can be accessed under the general menu under "accessibility." Turn on "LED Flash for Alerts."

It's pretty easy to take a screencap on your iPhone. When you are looking at what you want the screenshot of, press Sleep and Home together. When the screen becomes white, the screenshot is saved on your phone.

The Safari browser on the iPhone is so amazing and lets you accomplish pretty much anything that can be done on regular computer. If you would like to save a picture, tap and hold on it. The context menu that pops up will let you save the picture directly to your phone's Camera Roll. You can then put it in a message if you want.

If you already have an iPhone, you're probably aware of all the things it can provide to you. Regardless, it is easy to spend a great deal of time just looking through them instead of using them. Use the lessons learned while reading this to improve the time you spend on learning your phone to enjoying it.

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