Unlock iPhone On iTunes

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 08:01, 24. veljače 2014. koju je unio/unijela Hubtuba31 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Why does everyone love the iPhone? This article will answer that question and give you Unlock iPhone Pro tips that you may have never known existed, even if you are already an iPhone owner!

Get a larger keyboard to make the most of your phone's Internet capabilities. However, you do not have to purchase a larger keyboard. You can have use of a bigger keyboard by simply rotating your iPhone and going to the address bar in Safari and tapping it. The keyboard instantly becomes larger and far more easy to use.

When searching the web with your iPhone, you do not have to type in the ".com" part of an address. All you have to do is type in the main address and you will be directed to the site you are looking for. How much time could you save by cutting out these unnecessary elements?

Dim the brightness of your iPhone to reduce battery consumption. You can do this by changing the brightness in the settings area of your phone to a lower level. It will help extend the battery life for the days you need to have your iPhone on for long hours.

When in Safari, you can easily make phone calls with just one tap. For example, you may need a dry cleaner, so you begin searching the Internet for one located near you. Once you locate a telephone number for it, you do not need to return to the phone feature to call it. Instead, tap on the phone number, and the call will immediately connect.

It is possible to take a picture from your headphone cord. Begin by bringing the subject to be filmed into view. When the picture is ready to go, engage the cord's button. This can help you take a steadier, clearer photo. Saving the picture in your iPhone is done just like you do with any other picture.

Many people use the camera on the iPhone. After a lot of pictures are taken, it is difficult to sort through the pictures in the Camera Roll. The iPhone makes it easy to organize your photos and even easier to find them. It will be easy to locate that needed shot when you do this.

Increase the speed of messaging by using this trick. If you prefer not to insert the word suggested by the dictionary while texting, tap your finger anywhere on your iPhone's screen; this dismisses the suggestion. You do not have to tap the "x" that follows the suggested word.

You can take screenshots with your iPhone. Press the home and sleep button together for taking a screenshot. Your screen will blink white letting you know the screen shot has been taken and stored in your camera roll.

The Safari browser on the iPhone is so amazing and lets you accomplish pretty much anything that can be done on regular computer. If you would like to save a picture, tap and hold on it. The context menu that pops up will let you save the picture directly to your phone's Camera Roll. You can then put it in a message if you want.

Now that you have read this article, you are aware of the many amazing features of an iPhone.

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