Unlock iPhone Queens

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 23:08, 25. veljače 2014. koju je unio/unijela Jet85dahlia (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

If your buy an iPhone from Apple directly, it will be unlocked. Whereas an iPhone purchased from a carrier will be locked to their network, meaning it can't be used with another SIM card. So if you put a T-Mobile SIM card into an AT&T iPhone you will see the message "no service" displayed instead of the carrier name, and the phone will only be able to make emergency calls. The reason that the carriers lock the iPhones they provide at a discounted rate to is to get some of the money back they have lost in doing so. A lot of companies temp consumers to agree to restrictive and lengthy contracts by offering them very cheap handsets. Often handsets are offered at these heavily discounted rates because the carriers know they can recover their losses over the duration of a contract. As a result, carriers make it difficult to switch to another mobile phone service provider by locking the iPhones they supply to their network. They also have Apple agree to keep the prices they charge for a factory unlocked iPhone extremely high.

That all sound great, being able to get an iPhone at a fraction of the cost it would be if you bought it from Apple, but what if you want to use your phone on another network? Possibly you have seen a much better deal being offered by an alternative service provider or the same service for a lot less money.

iPhone Unlock iPhone 4

You used to be able to choose between to different types of unlock. A software unlock could be applied to a jailbroken iPhone. But is you don't want to jailbreak your phone, then the official factory unlock is the solution for you. The first option, the iPhone software unlock, is now virtually obsolete. The process involves first “jailbreaking” an iPhone, an operation that uses software to exploits “holes” in an iPhones iOS operating system, permitting root access and the installation of software not approved by Apple. Once an iPhone has been jailbroken a software unlock can be applied. This software fools the iPhones operating system into thinking it has been unlocked by jamming certain parts of the iOS.

It is surprising but often people were unaware that software unlocking would void the manufacturer's warranty on their device and could only be applied to handsets running firmware 5.1.1 or earlier. Theoretically some iPhones can still be unlocked using the software method, but they are limited to specific models, namely the iPhone 4s or earlier, and they have to be running iOS 5.1.1 or earlier, which was superseded in July of 2011.

Software unlocking is a very insecure and unstable method of iPhone unlocking. In contrast, an IMEI unlock will enable you to safely upgrade your handset to the latest (and all future) iOS releases and the process does not void Apple's manufacturer’s warranty. The great advantage factory unlocking has over the software unlock is that is permanent, meaning once unlocked, your iPhone will remain unlocked, even after updating to the current (or any future operating system updates). It has been a relatively new independent development in iPhone unlocking, but until recently I was only possible to have your service provider factory unlock your iPhone. It also wasn't a given that they would comply with your request as they are under no legal obligation to do so.

What is a new is a recent development in the unlocking industry, making it now possible to have the carrier restriction removed from your iPhone by a third party company. To some people this may seem a little unethical, but it is perfectly legal and the service provided is identical in every way to that offered by the carriers directly.

If you want to learn more about iPhone IMEI unlocking or if you have any questions about permanently unlocking your iPhone, please don't hesitate to contact us. At iUnlox we will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

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