Magnetic Energy Generators The Shocking Truth

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 00:19, 27. veljače 2014. koju je unio/unijela Terrell677 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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A huge number of men and women are looking for alternative sources of electric energy. Absolutely everyone knows that solar energy and wind turbine electric generation offer you an eco friendly alternative to fossil fuel developed electrical energy. A third alternative for electric production is magnetic energy generation.

Proponents of this thought claim that once the initial gear is purchased, the owner receives free of charge power forever. The basic premise of magnetic energy generation is the fact that click for source when the generator is powered up, it'll continue to make electrical energy indefinitely. If true, this equipment has the potential to revolutionize electrical production. Lets dig deeper into this topic and uncover the shocking truth about magnetic energy generation.

The look for absolutely free power has fascinated mankind for centuries. Leonardo Da Vinci produced a number of drawings of machines that he believed may very well be capable of creating free power. Nikola Tesla has been known as the father of totally free energy. Far more not too long ago, Bruce De Palma and John Christie have created what they contact the future of cost-free power.

In 1977, Bruce De Palma constructed his N-Machine, which he claimed made use of rotating magnets to make energy. The N-Machine supposedly generated as much as 4 occasions much more output energy than input power, making overunity. Overunity or perpetual motion refers to any device or system that perpetually produces additional power than it consumes.

Australian inventor John Christie of Lutech Australia Pty Ltd, claims to possess developed a magnetic energy generator capable of 440% overunity. Sadly, neither of those magnetic energy generators happen to be independently verified as capable of generating overunity. Critics claim that such a generator can't create overunity or free of charge energy. To complete so would defy a fundamental law of physics, the conservation of power. Unlike solar and wind power you will discover presently no power providers making use of magnet powered generators for electrical production.

A lot of from the websites that market the idea of magnetic energy generation give DIY plans for making the generator. Can you definitely get no cost power from a DIY magnetic energy generator? One web-site, Magniworks, claims that their plans will let any individual construct a energy generator for significantly less that $100, utilizing materials offered at any hardware shop. Also, this simply constructed power generator could replace 50% or more of your electric usage. The web page states that a huge selection of these generators happen to be constructed from their plans and they list a number of happy customers. Employing directory help as well as a web based search service I attempted to find the U.S. based people claiming to have built and installed these generators. Regrettably, I was unable to find any with the references listed on the Magniworks site.

Unable to verify any actual operating installation, I decided to download the magnetic generator plans from the Magniworks web page. With these plans I was having to the truth about magnetic power generators. The plans offer you detailed parts list, illustrations and instructions. Even so, after constructing the generator you might have one thing that is a science project, not an option power resolution. The generator is tiny (around 4 inches square) and based on the printed specifications produces only 24.5 watts of output. Take into consideration that. 24.five watts is less than half the energy necessary to light up a single 60 watt light bulb. To replace 50 percent or much more of the present electric usage you'd need to build 20-25 of these generators after which wire them together.

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