Using Electronic Cigarettes To Quit Cigarette Smoking

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 00:16, 2. ožujka 2014. koju je unio/unijela Soup49beach (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Whats the best way to shorten your life? No, its not bad driving, visiting a crime-ridden neighborhood or arguing with your mother-in-law! Believe it or not, the top spot goes to smoking.

If quitting smoking has you intimidated, then you are not alone. The smokers landscape has changed drastically in the last twenty years. Smoking is not allowed in most public places and even in open spaces such as parks and playgrounds. People are becoming more and more intolerant of second-hand smoke. They do not want it around them and certainly not around their children. This is understandable considering how noxious the smell is combined with the sheer side effects of secondhand smoke. It is coating the lungs of non-smokers with tar just the way it does with smokers, it is hardly fair!

Are safe to use in public?

The e liquid is basically what makes the electronic cigarette exactly that. The rest of the cigarette is basically all looks. Everything that makes the cigarette healthy, taste the same and even the vapour is because of the electronic liquid. The liquid consists of the nicotine (whatever level out of zero, light, medium, or high you choose), the different flavour (there are many out of which you can choose from), and the magic propylene glycol (it is what makes the actual vapour appear just like smoke). This way you get access to the different flavours, the different levels of nicotine and of course the vapour, when you pull on the cigarette and the liquid is heated up. The heating is done by the vaporizer which in turn creates the vapour.

This is not a test and a grade will not be given for you efforts. Quitting smoking is a personal goal for your future and your health. This is a personal goal and there is no competition for how quickly you can quit smoking. This method, however, makes quitting smoking much easier to accomplish than every other method I used.

Electronic cigarettes may be less harmful than cigarettes but they are still dangerous. Under no circumstances should anyone use electronic cigarettes. It will fill your body with plastic.

Good luck if you are currently using an electronic cigarette! Because the health effects are largely unknown, using an e-cig is a gamble and you'll need all the luck you can get.

It is a fact that nicotine and carbon monoxide reduce oxygen levels in a smoker's body and it is also a fact that the body needs oxygen to concentrate, not even the doctors and scientists can deny that!

The more I researched each plan, the more I understood what I needed to do to quit smoking. I needed more than one type of quitting smoking method and a plan that would satisfy every situation while quitting smoking.

That's when I made the switch to Volcano, which I have found to be a far superior product. Volcano ecigs range from $13 for disposables to $75 for the top of the line model starter kits. Volcano also has an ecig forum where you can chat with other vapers for more information. Their ejuice tastes amazing, and their customer service is excellent.

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