Food for Male Enhancement: Aid for Harder Erection

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 23:33, 20. ožujka 2014. koju je unio/unijela WalterpkypnyombsLawall (Razgovor | doprinosi)
Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

Aside from exercise and daily work out, eating foods that help harder erection is another option for natural ways of male enhancement. Food is very vital to the body for it generates supply of nutrients that could keep your body go through its daily activities. Having good food keeps your body fit and healthy. Without this food you may suffer from physical weakness, various health problems, and malnutrition. Right choice of food to eat has a great impact on how to enhance the performance of your penile during sex.

Foods had a direct impact on the strength of your penile erection and penile size. The food you eat for you to have further male enhancement should contain nutrients that could increase blood flow. Substances from food such as vasodilators function by relaxing smooth muscles found in the blood vessel’s walls. Eating the right food can make more blood pass through your sex organs making it thickly erected and slightly longer. Here are some foods that could influence your brain chemistry and hormone levels, eventually increasing your arousal and enhances your sex drive:

• Chilies. Chili foods contain capsaicin chemical that stimulates the release of endorphins in the brain. Endorphin is the happy hormones the human brain has. The release of this hormone creates the feeling of euphoria that helps you boost your sex drive during foreplay. Simple hydraulics in your body or the more liquid specifically blood are forced into little blood vessels in your penis.

• Coffee. You can now enjoy coffee by knowing its benefits to your male sexual organ. The caffeine content of you coffee could boost your metabolism, enhance endurance through the release of fat stores and gets your blood pumping making you energized all through the night.

• Asparagus. This green vegetable spear-look appetizer contains folate and vitamin B6 that boost arousal and orgasm.

• Avocados. This fruit is loaded with minerals, vitamin B6 and monounsaturated fats that helps you maintain your energy and sex drive. Its content of Omega 3 fatty acids boosts your mood for bedroom action.

• Salmon. It is also rich in Omega3 fatty acids that make your blood sticky enhancing blood flow in your body.

• Oyster. Oyster food has a slippery feel and singular taste rich in zinc minerals. This mineral helps in producing testosterone hormone that is critical to men and women sexual function. It has the ability to boosts sexual potency and also increase sperm count as well as improve its swimming ability.

• Wine. Red wine is rich in antioxidant phytochemical and longevity polyphenols in which it helps open arteries through the enhancement of production of nitric oxide. This chemical helps blood vessels to expand just like how Viagra work.

• Onions. The phytochemical allicin content of onion enhances the circulation by thinning the blood and making it less likely to clot and clog. Good circulation is good during bed play for better arousal of men sexual organs. These several food could help set your tone for long the night. It doesn’t add up to the length of your penile but its nutrient contents could add up to the thickness of your arousal. Food supplement that has male enhancement contents could be taken regularly with these foods for biggest and longest erection. This could intensify your stamina and orgasm and boosts your libido as well as improve the quality of your sperm cell.

Detailed info on penis enhancement can be found on the main website.