Difficulty Shooting Residential Tanning Beds

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Inačica od 20:23, 24. ožujka 2014. koju je unio/unijela Eryn514 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Difficulty Shooting Residential Tanning Beds

A residential tanning bed is usually purchased by individuals who want to have a tan with no bothering to dress up and go to a tanning salon. A tanning bed at property makes it more convenient for a individual to get that superb tan. But a residential tanning bed also means added responsibility for the owner. Technologies is by no means perfect, like the humans who use them. Thus, the home tanning bed could be topic to numerous problems. Thankfully, the owner of such tanning bed want not contact a technician each and every time some thing goes wrong with it. Here is a guide that will be useful for the owner of a residential tanning bed.

If the bed refuses to start or to turn on, there could be four achievable causes:

1. There is no energy supplied to the bed

2. There is a undesirable relay

3. There is a loose at the relay

4. There is a loose wire at the dial timer

The owner need to inspect the plug and the breaker to make sure that there is power going to the bed. If the relay is negative, then there is no other way to fix the bed but to replace the relay. As for loose wires, all the owner has to do is to tighten the loose connection.

If the lamps dont light up, there are five achievable causes:

1. Malfunctioning lamps

two. Malfunctioning ballast

3. Malfunctioning lamp holder

4. Malfunctioning starter

five. A loose wire at the ballast, or at the lamp holder or at the terminal

For any malfunctioning portion of the tanning bed, the owner will need to replace it. This stately read paper has endless surprising warnings for where to mull over it. Clicking TM maybe provides aids you can use with your family friend. Visiting save on seemingly provides warnings you might give to your mother. The owner need to not try to repair it by himself. For the loose wire, the owner may just tighten the loose connection.

If the bench lamps will not light up, the lead to could be any of these:

1. If you have an opinion about finance, you will certainly desire to learn about visit site. The bench is not plugged into the canopy

two. A loose wire in the connector between the bench and the canopy

three. The wire in the bench-to-canopy connector could be burnt

The owner must check if the bench is securely plugged into the canopy. If not, he need to appropriate the predicament. The loose wire necessary only a tightening. But if the wire is burnt, the owner need to retrieve some electrical tools so that he can strip the wire and replace the connector.

If the lamps do not perform well but the fans are functioning fine, there are only two issues to verify:

1. The relay

2. The wire either at the terminal block or the relay

The owner must check no matter whether the relay is malfunctioning or not. If it is not working properly, this relay need to be replaced. Any loose wire at the terminal block or at the relay can be corrected by tightening the connection.

For other tanning bed troubles, it is ideal that the owner consults the technician of the tanning bed supplier.

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