Confused About Google's List, Link Dampening,

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 16:28, 30. ožujka 2014. koju je unio/unijela Eryn514 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Confused About Google's List, Link Dampening, & No. of Links?

I recently received yet another 'please help' e-mail from a man called Ian who runs a journey organization in Tanzania ( ). Ian was worried about the result of a variety of issues including indexing and url dampening, and was desperate for help. Unfortunately, he'd read some fairly misleading articles previously, so he'd a somewhat confusing knowledge of the factors at play. Because I suspect he is not alone in his distress and concern, I decided to submit the details of our conversation.

Ian's email contains several issues. I've shown each separately below, followed by my response.

Q: When I seek out how many backlinks to my site using '', I see only 2-3 results. It appears that only 23 of our backlinks have survived Google's dampening link filter. This lofty xrumer linklicious site has some fine tips for the reason for it. Will there be an occasion delay before they are paid to your site? '

A: Firstly, I think you could have the dampening link filter only a little puzzled. Based on the dampening link filter concept, your links are observed and acquiesced by Google, you merely do not obtain the full advantage from them until confirmed period of time has elapsed. Learn more on this affiliated article directory - Click here: backlinks indexer. The dampening url filter (if it exists) doesn't end links from appearing in Google's benefits whenever you search for them. (The only reason your backlinks mightn't can be found in a Google search is if Google hasn't yet indexed the pages containing the links.) Also, do not worry too much about such things as the dampening link filter. In the first place, it is not even close to proven / accepted fact. Several well-regarded SEO experts do not rely on it at all. More over, even though it does exist, it only affects those companies with the budget to build the large numbers (hundreds or thousands probably) of links reputedly required to induce it. That is no problem, if your number of backlinks suddenly increases by 2-0.

And subsequently, don't think everything Google tells you. By looking for '', you generally speaking only view a small proportion of actual links to your website. The easiest way to search for links would be to search for just the URL '', then to the page that displays next, select 'Find web-pages that include the definition of '' .' When you do it in this way, you'll see all of the pages that have your URL. Generally, the URL will be an active link (or at the very least it should be, and you should ask them to make it so). Whenever you try this search, you'll see that your site has about 169 links, perhaps not 23.

Q: Yet another question is approximately found pages (using Get more about linklicious warrior by visiting our refreshing website. I am aware it is a history of pages that have been changed. I had 3-2, it went down to 28 and now this morning it is down to 26. Do they just keep the pages for monthly or can there be more towards the pages than I realized?

A: The number of indexed pages is just the number of pages on your own site that Google 'is aware of.' Theoretically, the only time the age of a page comes into play is if the page is also young*, i.e. Google spiders have not visited it however, or Google hasn't updated its catalog. Why the reported number of indexed pages is reducing, I suppose it's merely a temporary shift. The number of leads to Google's searches varies virtually constantly. Be taught further on this affiliated URL - Browse this website: Search for Online Entertainment Coupon Book | swigg talk.

*Actually, formally speaking, it's been suggested that Google is not capable of indexing all 11.5 billion pages currently thought to be online (and the 10 million more that are added every single day), and that as it indexes new pages, old pages are forced from the index. (This is a really rough description of the theory - if it's happening at all, it's apt to be a lot more complex than this.) If this is happening, it may explain why the number of indexed pages is reducing. Even though I think it is a long-shot, a simple method to handle it's to maintain high quality information, to keep increasing it, to keep generating backlinks, and to create a Google sitemap. To discover more about sitemaps, head to To get a free - and very helpful - tool for building a site-map, visit

I know there is plenty of confusion surrounding these problems, so I hope you have found this change helpful.

Happy indexing!.

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