How Essential Fatty Acids Enhance Your Mental Health and Brain Power

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 14:36, 1. travnja 2014. koju je unio/unijela Eryn514 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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How Essential Fatty Acids Enhance Your Mental Health and Brain Power

What is your-brain manufactured from?

More Than 508 of the mind consists of good fat. Twenty percent with this great fat comes from EPA and DHA. DHA and remember EPA originates from,

* omega-3 fatty acids

* eating fish

* borage oil

* primrose oil

* parilla gas

* NOK gas

I have included all these oils in other posts except NKO Krill Oil. This gas may be the new kid o-n the block. I-t originates from Antarctic krill, a crustacean within the Antarctic waters. It gives DHA and EPA like gas does, but its chemical structure is phospholipids. Phospholipids are easier for the cells to absorb than borage oil's EPA and DHA, which is in-the form of triglycerides.

The primary efas provide the chemical molecules to generate Phospholipids. These phospholipids gather together to create a protective barrier around each cell in your body.

The body has the capacity to rely on them better and faster, If the essential fatty acids are in phospholipids form.

This is exactly what makes NOK oil an even more bio-available sophisticated oil than borage or primrose oil.

If you're poor in the essential fatty acids, you'll become more prone to these conditions:

* Alzheimer's dis-ease

* Anxiety and human anatomy stress

* Cardiovascular disease

* Attention-deficit disorder

* Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder

* Bipolar condition

* Chronic fatigue syndrome

* Depression

* Learning disorders

* Memory impairment

* Parkinson's illness

* Schizophrenia

Making Your Mind Work Enjoy It Must

Your mind needs a great daily supply of the essential fatty acid omega-3. It also employs omega-6 and AA (Arachidonic acid). So this means having a good dose of NKO oil is just a necessary daily routine for maintaining your mind from shrinking.

Alzheimer's dis-ease

Doctors think that if every one lived to be more than 120 years, they would drop with Alzheimer's disease. It's a disease that once your have it, all you can do, at the moment, is always to slow its development using nutrients and specific drugs.

It may be advisable to start out feeding it the food it requires, before your brain starts to deteriorate to where it contains nodules of toxins, excessive oxidation as a result of free radicals, and weaken and narrowing arteries.

DHA is in order for Alzheimer's illness. When DHA is poor in your diet, you can get to possess memory loss and become depressed as you age.

Lecithin can also be so as because it helps to provide choline, a precursor to the memory neurotransmitter acetylcholine. In addition it supplies the chemicals to create RNA.

Heart illness is directly associated with Alzheimer's since the heart must be strong enough to pump plenty of blood into the brain and the veins must open enough to pass enough blood through the brain and throughout your body.

Even though you do not come down with Alzheimer's or your genealogy does not help it, most of us come in line for dementia. Dementia is also caused by destruction of brain cells and support tissue. Dig up new information on this affiliated URL by visiting fish oil. Among the reasons for dementia is a diet that's been poor in-the essential fatty acids.

Here is my recommendation for supplementing with the fundamental fatty acids:

* Eat more good fish, at least one time a week and sometimes twice a week

* Eat less fat and specially saturated fat. Many for daily fat in-take is 15-20% of the total calories.

* Just take everyday, flax seed oil and olive oil for the omega-6 and omega-3 oils

* Take a daily supplement of NKO or Borage gas, which supplies DHA and EPA.

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