10 Stuff You Really Should Learn About Whitley Bay

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 02:51, 2. travnja 2014. koju je unio/unijela Marti561 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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It's NOT Whitby, Yorkshire. Again in the nineteenth century Whitley Bay was just termed Whitley. Which caused terrific confusion with Whitby, which meant submit was misdirected and inhabitants received Whitley Residences floor plan annoyed. The ultimate straw arrived when an ex-resident of Whitley died in Edinburgh but his human body was thanks being buried in Whitley. Unfortuntely, your body was taken to Whitby, the funeral was delayed, individuals ended up in uproar as well as the council made a decision they had to carry out something about it and questioned for new name suggestions, enter, Whitley Bay.

Dire Straits sung about this. I quotation 'And girl it seems so fairly to me similar to it generally did. Like the Spanish metropolis to me when we the place kids', Tunnel of affection (1980). The Spanish City was a fairground situated in Whitley Bay, it's got subsequently been demolished but you will discover significant plans for regenerating the world which we'll occur on to now.

Spanish City is about for the multi million pound regeneration with all the Spanish Metropolis Dome, a quality II listed building, staying the centerpiece with options to include prime accommodations and leisure developments.

It had been as soon as the regions premier concert venue, hosting names as major given that the Jam, The Cure, Oasis and the Stone Roses. Now, site visitors and citizens alike have travel to Newcastle (Metro Radio Arena) for concerts but thankfully it really is:

Only nine miles from Newcastle upon Tyne and is particularly connected to the Tyne and Dress in Metro producing it a mere 25 moment journey to Newcastle town centre

Contacting all Stags & Hens (to stay away?). Whitley Bay's principal nightlife location is South Parade. A bustling street that winds its way from the town centre to the seafront. Lined with bars, motels, guesthouses and restaurants it also hosts two best nightclubs inside the location.

Park View. The place to go for shopping. It is actually known locally for the host of independent shops selling unique products which makes a welcome change into the average high street and typical big retail outlets found.

Unchained Melody: Whitley Bay was at the time home to your well loved English actor, singer - songwriter and presenter Robson Green. Other famous stars who have chosen to reside there at one time or another are Toby Flood (England Rugby Union international), Tom Hadaway - playwright, Graham Fenton - footballer, Ian La Frenais - comedy writer, (The Likely Lads, Porridge, Auf Wiedersehen, Pet)

"Bugger off back to Whitley Bay the pair of you!" Victor Meldrew, One Foot During the Grave, famously put Whitley Bay back again on the map by spouting this to his oddball friends Ronnie and Mildred.

If none of the above nine points has enticed you enough to visit Whitley Bay then maybe this last point will. It's got been, and continues for being a popular tourist resort with men and women coming from far and wide to experience the magic that is Whitley Bay. Rich in history and full of atmosphere you can encounter award winning ice cream, bars and parties, fish and chips, sea front amusements, invigorating coastal walks, wide open spaces and magnificent views.

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