Confused About Google's Index, Url Dampening,

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 09:23, 18. kolovoza 2014. koju je unio/unijela Clementine92 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Confused About Google's Index, Url Dampening, & No. of Links?

I recently received yet another 'please help' email from a gentleman named Ian who runs a journey organization in Tanzania ( ). Click here linklicious price to compare the meaning behind it. Ian was worried about the consequence of a variety of issues including indexing and url dampening, and was desperate for help. Unfortunately, he'd read some pretty misleading articles before, so he'd a somewhat mixed up comprehension of the factors at play. I chose to submit the details of our discussion, since I imagine he's perhaps not alone in his frustration and concern.

Ian's email consisted of several issues. I have shown each independently below, accompanied by my answer.

Q: When I search for the amount of backlinks to my site using '', I see only 23 results. Be taught further on a related wiki - Navigate to this web site: found it. Should people claim to dig up supplementary resources about site link, we recommend many on-line databases you should think about investigating. It seems that only 23 of our backlinks have survived Google's dampening link filter. Is there a period delay before they are credited to your site? '

A: Firstly, I do believe you might have the dampening link filter a bit confused. Identify supplementary information on linklicious comparison by visiting our stately article. According to the dampening link filter idea, your links are found and acknowledged by Google, you just do not get the full benefit from them until a given time frame has passed. The dampening link filter (if it exists) doesn't end links from appearing in Google's benefits whenever you search for them. (The only reason your backlinks might not come in a Google search is if Google has not yet found the pages containing the links.) Also, do not worry too much about such things as the dampening link filter. In the first place, it is definately not established / acknowledged fact. Many well-regarded SEO experts do not have confidence in it at all. More over, even though it does occur, it only affects those firms together with the budget to build the huge numbers (hundreds or thousands possibly) of links reputedly necessary to induce it. If your variety of backlinks suddenly increases by 2-0, that's not a problem.

And secondly, don't think anything Google informs you. By searching for '', you broadly speaking only see a small percentage of actual links to your site. The easiest way to search for links is to search for just the URL '', then to the page that shows next, select 'Find web-pages that include the definition of '' .' When you do it in this manner, you'll see all of the pages that have your URL. Typically, the URL is going to be an energetic link (or at least it should be, and you should ask them to make it so). Whenever you do this search, you'll observe that your website has about 169 links, perhaps not 2-3.

Q: Another question is approximately found pages (using I understand this can be a record of pages which have been changed. I'd 32, it went down to 28 and now this morning it is down to 26. Do they just keep the pages for monthly or is there more towards the indexed pages than I realized?

A: The number of indexed pages is merely the number of pages on your site that Google 'knows about.' Theoretically, the only time age a page is needed is once the page is also young*, i.e. Google spiders have not visited it nonetheless, or Google hasn't updated its index. As to why the reported number of indexed pages is reducing, I think it's merely a temporary change. The amount of leads to Google's searches differs virtually constantly.

*Actually, technically speaking, it has been suggested that Google isn't capable of indexing all 11.5 billion pages currently believed to be online (and the 10 million more that are added every single day), and that as it indexes new pages, old pages are sent out of the list. (This is a very rough description of the idea - if it is happening at all, it's likely to be much more complex than this.) If this is happening, it might explain why the number of indexed pages is reducing. A great way to cope with it's to maintain high quality content, to generate a Google sitemap, to keep producing backlinks, and to keep raising it, although I think it's a long shot. To discover more about sitemaps, go to To download a free - and very useful - tool for building a site-map, visit

I know there's a lot of confusion surrounding these dilemmas, so I hope you have found this change beneficial.

Happy indexing!.

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