Dog Training: Teaching Your Dog the Stay Order

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Inačica od 06:37, 7. rujna 2014. koju je unio/unijela Marcela544 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Dog Training: Teaching Your Dog the Stay Order

Teaching your puppy the 'stay' command could be one of the most useful commands you ever teach him. A defectively trained dog is a direct reflection for you the pet owner and how much care about your dog. Actually an untrained dog becomes a to its owner which means dog and owner become disappointed. Whether it is a pet or a fully grown dog you can teach them to sit with just a little work on your own part.

Have you been getting it off because you think your dog can never manage to learn a fresh 'strategy'? Don't wait any further. Start teaching your dog how to sit today.

Use many of these tips to show your dog to sit:

You are going to need some treats; however this can be always the easiest way to acquire a dog to accomplish anything you want! You can use something you know your puppy enjoys: cookies, chewy treats or household goods.

The major goal will be to get your pet to stay by using the term. One-way you are able to gradually get your dog used to the word is by saying the word when the dog is sitting anyway. Puppy sits down - you say 'sit' and praise them.

You will also have to practice this every day by doing the following:

- Call your pet and provide the treat to them. Let them get excited first and smell the treat!

- until it's on the dogs head Slowly move the treat. Your dog will naturally transfer to the sitting position.

- It is important that the dog associates the exercise of sitting with the action of sitting, the praise and the handle. Try to get your timing right.

- Keep bribing canine and gradually decrease the size of the treat. Keep enthusiastically praising the dog.

- Repeat a few times to this exercise per day. Don't over-do it - you want your pet to consider it as fun.

- Try to practice around mealtimes once your dog is hungry; this may make him keener for the snacks.

- Possess the treats readily available, do not fumble around - the handle has to happen since the dog is sitting. Browse here at the link how to train a dog to explore why to engage in this hypothesis.

- Don't push your puppies bottom down; this won't work because your dog will associate the activity of sitting with having you push his bottom to-the ground. You may want to consider behavior courses with other dogs if this can be not working.

- End each training session on a positive note.

Teaching your puppy to sit down applying these positive reinforcement techniques may strengthen the relationship between you. Contemplate it time well spent. Identify additional info about erlene | Activity | Cholonautas | Page 56089 by browsing our majestic wiki.

Once you have learned the basic order 'sit' it must be rather easy to train your dog another basic commands. 'Sit-stay', 'down' 'heel' and 'come are a number of the best directions. Utilize the sweets in an identical way. We discovered small blue arrow by searching books in the library. Teaching your dog can be an continuous process. You wish to keep praising your dog regularly and never associate anger with the dogs reaction to your control.

Utilize every new situation to train o-r set your education in to practice. The main part about learning just how to remain - is that the dog sits under many different conditions. Sitting in new situations, around other puppies, around new people, when the doorbell rings etc.

Training your dog well is one of the most significant things you can do for your dog. Besides having a well-behaved dog you will also have an obedient dog. Dogs work as a part of a bunch - and you're the best choice. Your pet is going to be happier and better adjusted if they know their place in the pack. Your pet is by nature eager to please you. Become a good pack leader and start teaching your pup to sit today!.

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