Reflections of a

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 02:39, 8. rujna 2014. koju je unio/unijela Marcela544 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Reflections of a

I must admit I love trading. I've loved everything my entire life. I learned what the stock market was when I was about 8 years old, I do not recall how I first learned of it. The time was remembered asking my Uncle about it all by me. I suppose he may have introduced it to me. He showed me how exactly to read the stock prices, that have been published in the newspaper everyday. Number web back then.

Apparently, I must have made an impression on him, since for my ninth birthday he bought me one share of Mead Paper Company. My first share of stock, he explained to me, that this meant that I possessed a tiny piece of the company. That was it, a was lit in me that burns to this day.

My Uncle died in 1988, at the young age of 37. By this time I was 18, I'd not spoken to him in many years concerning the areas. He moved around a lot, allot, and he was in failing health the last 3 years of his life. Back then, I thought his familiarity with the stock market was endless. Looking straight back today, I realize that wasn't the case. He he did have dreams, and these dreams still live today through me. I'm happy that he took the time to pass them on. Click here buy gold to research the purpose of this thing.

Today, I trade E-minis and Currencies. I must say I think that for many folks, this is actually the best job on earth. I know it is for myself. I have'nt become Peter Lynch or Warren Buffet, heck I'm probably nearer to Jimmy Buffett. A very important factor is still true, I'm as excited about dealing today as I was 30 Years ago.

Something has changed now though, I feel stronger about adding others to trading, than I do about really trading for myself. Looking back, that will have now been my Uncles' passion also. Perhaps not the trading, however the sharing..

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