An Anti-virus And How It Saved My Computer.

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 07:58, 4. srpnja 2013. koju je unio/unijela Kylie655 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

I prefer many more out there whose comp..

Maybe not too long ago I experienced a major melt down on my computer, I'm afraid to say it was as a result of virus. This indicates the Anti-virus I had at that time was having a struggle with my laptop; as a result, a nasty disease snuck in my own program and started playing around. Initially, I did not know what it was, webpages didn't load correctly, and when they did programs either wouldn't load o-r would freeze. I also got the dreaded Blue Screen.

I like many others available whose computers today have infections even though they have an anti-virus system. My anti-virus and my computer had issues, and I didn't understand what it was till it was almost too late. A buddy of mine stated that I might have a virus; I stated to her that I'd a course and it was running. It had been then that I learned that not all anti-viruses hook all infections. She recommended I actually do a scan on my computer. I did so employing my old anti-virus and it arrived clean. I was then told to operate yet another disease remover device, I did and low and behold, there were quite a few of the small rotten things hiding in my PC. We found out about article by searching webpages. It would appear that my anti-virus hadn't done its work. Thankfully, though I found one that did, AVG Free Edition.

Once I got rid of the infections, my programs started working again, my Internet did not hang up the phone, and my entire life on my computer returned back to normal. So why am I telling my misfortune to you with Computer Viruses, simple really. I was luckily enough to have a buddy help me in my time of need and I want to be in a position to help you as mine did before yours gets as bad.

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