Carbonless report spin producing a foam covered package.

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 12:52, 11. srpnja 2013. koju je unio/unijela Geraldine724 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

The Carbonless Paper is offered in the form of sheets and reels. Reels can be purchased in various sizes from 8'to 38' depending on the needs of the customers. Going To retail packaging bags perhaps provides aids you should use with your friend. Sheets can be found in different sizes from 18'x 23', 18'x 24' or any other size as needed. Our reports can be found in blue, white, green, white and yellow colour.

Carbonless paper uses an image to be transferred by a chemical reaction between two different contacting coatings when pressure is applied. A report that's most often used for multiple part types, it has a chemical coating on the leading side (designated as CF) or on the trunk side (designated as CB), or on both sides (designated as CFB). When a handwritten or device impression happens on the first sheet of numerous components, the impression moves from one page or ply to the next due to the flooding of tiny microcapsules in the chemical layer used to produce a dim copy of the impression happening on the first sheet.

A way and apparatus are given for producing a foam wrapped package for defending a of pressure-sensitive carbonless copy paper. Interleaved foam and film are wrapped under tension around the outer periphery of the roll of carbonless paper by uniquely rotating the roll and separately feeding foam and stretch film to appearance toward the rotating roll.

The present invention pertains to a process for making a foam wrap deal, and, more especially, to a for wrapping and protecting a of pressure-sensitive carbonless copy paper by simultaneously wrapping interleaved layers of stretch movie and packaging foam onto the roll of carbonless paper.

Heretofore, stretch wrapping machinery manufacturers have marketed equipment which combines spiral wrapping of stretch movie with limited non-spiral wrapping of a single face corrugated channel or even a cover. Traditionally, machines have been developed which offer foam wrap in-one operation and then kraft wrap in another operation, and have required an amazing number of the wrapping process to be done yourself.

Issues have occurred in the prior art with all the existing foam/kraft packages. Specifically, these offers using kraft cover can not use foam over-the edge of the roll of pressure-sensitive carbonless paper without creating a heavy edge which makes roll stacking difficult. The absence of foam on the edge of the roll of carbonless paper leaves the roll subject to edge damage. Previous to now a sufficient wrap process or a final wrapped deal has not been accomplished in the art which would involve only a relatively restricted capital cost and make a resultant manufactured solution which is easy to deal with.

Tag: Carbonless Paper Move.

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