HEC Montreal

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Inačica od 15:54, 11. srpnja 2013. koju je unio/unijela Geraldine724 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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HEC Montreal is situated within the area of the business center of Montreal. HEC Montreal was established in 1907 and is recognized as the earliest management school in Canada. It's the..

Montreal, Quebec is the 2nd biggest city in Canada. It's a multi-cultured area and ranks 2nd in the greatest percentage of students per capita in the complete United States. Having four colleges, Montreal is considered as the best choice in development and university research in Canada.

HEC Montreal is situated within the vicinity of the business center of Montreal. HEC Montreal was established in 1907 and is recognized as the oldest management school in Canada. It is the first college in The United States for three accreditations including the AACSB International, EQUIS and AMBA. If you know any thing, you will probably need to compare about rate us. It's the very first non-European school to get an EQUIS certification. These are recognition are proofs that HEC Montreal had passed strict quality standards to help you to be granted such accreditation.

The school serves tens of thousands of Canadian students along with students from all over the globe. The school has about 12,000 students, 2,800 which maintain non-Canadian student visas and permanent residents. You will find about 550-fill of international students in the school. It's among the top 100 business schools in the earth according to the Wall Street Journal in 2004 edition of the Guide to the Top Business Schools. The HEC Montreal has gorgeous features and has one of the best bilingual company libraries. It houses the finest equipped trading rooms that students could find very useful.
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The HEC Montreal MBA Program exists in two languages, in French as well as in English. The MBA 2004 Distinction of BusinessWeek considers HEC Montreal one of the 10 most useful MBA Programs outside United States. Their MBA program has about 60-65 of international students from about 20 countries all around the world. Browse here at more information to learn the inner workings of it.

The innovative MBA plan provided as full time and may be completed in a period of 53 weeks with 5 weeks of project consulting. And by part-time, it may be done in a course of three years. There are about 100 selections of various specializations that students may pick from in section three of the program. Different types of teaching for example case studies, arguments and discussions are now being applied. Once the college performs various classes where business executives themselves give out lectures students will get first hand information. Most of these training strategies are what make understanding in HEC Montreal MBA program effective for the students. All plans are technically advanced providing an advantage to students in the job market. The college also offers scholarships of about $175,000 that are available to exceptional and valuable international and Canadian candidates.

The information in obtaining a career doesn't end after school in HEC Montreal, students can access a personalized career management company and a really effective interactive web-based job-hunting device. Learn further on via by visiting our splendid portfolio.

It is the primary aim of the institution to market international mind in management axioms. It's committed in preparing students for their future jobs as specialists and managers who donate to the progression of the community. The diversity in cultural backgrounds and professional backgrounds experienced in HEC Montreal requires the educational process to a global level. It is the schools determination to market multilingual and world wide type of teaching and molding future leaders.

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