Unlocking the Bible Codes

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 06:55, 26. srpnja 2013. koju je unio/unijela Adan435 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

Did you read the DaVinci Code or even see the film? Did it allow you to get thinking about history and secret codes? You do not have to go Europe to see the true secrets from technology now allows us to open the earliest key code in the earth, the code. For years and years there were rumors concerning the secret rules of the bible. Discover further on iphone imei number check by browsing our rousing encyclopedia. Now with the power of your desktop computer you are able to see the truth for yourself and open the rules. Whether you are a true believer o-r a doubtful skeptic, research can be found with your personal study on the secret codes of the bible.

Bible codes, often referred to as Torah codes, have been part of the secret and Jewish tradition for over 2000 years. In Hebrew (the language of the first bible) the bible codes are called Gematria which is a from ancient Greek which when converted in to English is numerology. Around the time that the Old Testament was written the Greeks were the world leaders in math, so it would be natural that they'd affect the composers of the original bible codes. It is information similar to this which can be within the software in charge of unlocking the requirements.

The bible rules can also be observed in other forms of the bible not only the original Hebrew. The King James Version has hidden bible codes and secrets just waiting to be revealed. The Greek model of the bible was the first actually translation of the bible and it too has many secrets awaiting you.

Making use of your home by yourself computer you are able to discover the bible codes and explore record. There are many of DVDs and wonderful programs which reveal the secrets of the limitations, and enable you to explore the marvelous Holy Land from home. One program called Holy Land Journey goes on an active tour of the Holy Land and matches up bible stories with pictures. There are several bible decoders which are designed to work in your indigenous language and help you to begin unlocking the secrets of the bible in a straightforward way so that you can understand.

Begin your research now around the Bible codes.

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