SOG Survival Knives

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 16:51, 4. kolovoza 2013. koju je unio/unijela Mohammed44 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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SOG Survival Knives & Tools SE37-K Seal Team Elite Knife with Kydex Sheath
This is definitely a very nicely designed knife. It actually offers quite a long blade however it's still very simple to use. This knife may seem very ordinary nevertheless it definitely is quite capable of numerous things. The blade is really razor-sharp as well as heavy duty, so it won't break. It'll most definitely allow you to chop anything you need in the bush. Also you could utilize it as a hammer, if you have such a need. This blade is long lasting but you still should clean it and maintain it properly, then it'll serve much better and last much longer.

SOG Specialty Knives & Tools SE37-K Seal Team Elite Knife with Kydex Sheath-- Product Features
- Offers long Tang for glass breaking and hammering.
- Blade is 7 inches long.
- Sturdy and heavy duty Zytel handle.
- Item weight is 10.3 ounces.

SOG Survival Knives & Tools SE37-K Seal Team Elite Knife with Kydex Sheath-- Product Pros
- Very sleek and versatile
- Sturdy and long lasting
- Easy to handle it
- Can be useful in quite different situations

SOG Survival Knives & Tools SE37-K Seal Team Elite Knife with Kydex Sheath-- Product Cons
- Grip could be tough on hands

SOG Specialty Knives & Tools SE37-K Seal Team Elite Knife with Kydex Sheath

One of the recent buyers of SOG Specialty Knives & Tools SE37-K Seal Team Elite Knife with Kydex Sheath said, "It's a knife. It's large. It's sharp as all heck. I shaved with it out of the carton and routinely use it to trim branches off of trees. And, after a year of moderate use, it shows minimal signs of wear. Good deal all around.".

SOG Specialty Knives & Tools SE37-K Seal Team Elite Knife with Kydex Sheath is a great survival knife for every man who loves wildlife and outdoors.

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