Proposed Budget For The New York City Schools

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In June 2006, the town announced a operating budget of $14 billion for the New York City schools. Teachers and parents are still waiting pessimistically to-see the final cut.

Though this years introduction of the New York City schools budget was received more peacefully than in recent years, the citys past background makes optimism difficult. Last decades proposed budget was significantly different after the final pieces were made. Students returning to school last September found many lessons expunged due to budget cuts. Parents and educators alike designed enough turmoil inside the high schools that numerous of the plans were restored.

Everybody else in the New York City schools program, including parents, have accepted that the New York City schools don't have enough cash, and yet they see little being done about it. Teachers continue to get their very own supplies, while parents help give class room requirements. Also students recognize the overcrowding and services that are in because the majority disrepair.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg states that he's increased the Newest York City colleges budget by $2.5 billion since he took office, but it isn't enough. This years New York schools budget has only a small increase from last year, it banks on receiving money from elsewhere that is not guaranteed, and makes assumptions that aren't likely, together with other issues.

First, New York schools Chancellor Joel Klein has established that the budget increase will go mainly to fund the increased costs in fuel and fringe benefits, remembering that heating and transport are necessary to operating the schools. Although the $1 billion increase raises per student funding to $910, very little can reach the classroom. Most can be used to cover administrative costs. For teachers and parents currently stretched thin from funding materials that should be compensated for by the New York City schools, this is not good news.

Next, the proposed budget makes two assumptions: (1) The New York City schools will receive almost $2 billion for capital expenses from Albany in connection with a lawsuit with their state, and (2) teachers will accept a contract with only a modest salary increase.

Since the governor has appealed the courts decision, the money expected from the state has not been within the states budget. There will be no money for the 2006-2007 school year from the state for this lawsuit, even though the New York City schools prevail in court.

Given that they and the Council of Supervisors and Administrators upper level staff) and (about 5,500 concepts have been working without a for the past two years, teachers aren't expected to accept the proposed contract. The United Federation of Teachers already has criticized the mayor for perhaps not using the citys $3.3 million surplus to stay the standoff. The mayor believes that the surplus is just temporary, while stating that he needs the agreements to be as other city workers. The police, teachers, and firefighters have been firmly opposing the mayors contract plans for 2 years. Such a teachers agreement could eliminate lots of the job rights which are now existing, such as removing seniority rules and making it easier to fire a teacher.

Another issue is Klein, whom advocates for the New York City schools say has spent an excessive amount of money on expensive bureaucrats and consultants with little educational experience. These costs, as well as others, can certainly be hidden in the vague language of the proposed budget.

Last but most certainly not least, the proposed New York City schools budget must survive the political wrangling of the city council members. The past shows that people lobby for changes and applications that benefit only their constituents, in place of all New York City schools.

Though last decades standardized test scores increased sharply, the New York City schools have a great deal of problems to face this school year, and it does not look as though this budget will help to solve them. There is not a lot of optimism about that proposed budget.Chris Wallace
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