Interest in Legal Nurse Consultants at All-Time High

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What's a Legal Nurse Consultant?

A legal nurse advisor is a registered nurse who uses existing experience as a medical practioner plus specific training to consult on cases at charges of $100-$150/hour. Few lawyers learn how to read medical records or comprehend the subtleties and terminology of healthcare problems to ultimately achieve the best results for their clients. My uncle found out about rate us online by browsing the Internet. An authorized nurse consultant bridges that gap in the attorney's understanding. Whilst the lawyer will be the expert on legal problems, the legal nurse consultant is the expert on nursing, the health system and its internal workings.

Based on the Houston Chronicle, 'Of the approximately 900,000* lawyers used today, 25 percent handle medical malpractice and injury cases.' These attorneys count on specially trained legal nurse consultants to help them get their cases.

Who are Legal Nurse Consultants?

Legal nurse consultants live all around the U.S., rural or urban. Legal nurse consultants have used on cases as simple like a neck injury caused by an automobile accident, as high-profile as the Rodney King case and as amazing as Fen-Phen, Vioxx, silicone implants and dangerous form lawsuit.

Additionally, legal nurse consultants offer healthcare knowledge for utilization review companies, insurance companies, government organizations, private companies and hospitals both as staff members and consultants. The legal nurse consulting profession allows nurses many choices for building a satisfying and successful part-time or full-time consulting job. Browse here at new hampshire car crashes to read when to see about this activity.

What services do Legal Nurse Consultants Give?

Legal nurse consultant ser-vices include helping with discovery; conducting research; reviewing medical records; distinguishing criteria of care; planning summaries and reports about the extent of injury or illness; and locating expert witnesses. While many legal nurse consultants work behind the scenes, they could also serve as expert witnesses. The legal nurse consultant acts as a person in the litigation team whose professional contributions tend to be critical to achieving a fair and only out-come for all parties.

Kinds of Customers Who Need Legal Nurse Consultants

1. Lawyers (plaintiff and defense)

2. Insurance providers

3. This cogent official site portfolio has some fine suggestions for the purpose of this enterprise. Health services

4. If you have an opinion about history, you will maybe require to check up about injured nh. Other authorized nurse consultants and medical-legal consultants (plaintiff and defense)

5. Government companies

6. Private corporations (e.g., for developing corporate strategies for quality assurance, threat identification and management, assessment and get a handle on of loss coverage)

* Based on the American Bar Association Market Research Department, in 2005 you can find 1,104,766 lawyers within the U.S.New Hampshire Car Accident Lawyers
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