Massage Information For Consumers

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 23:35, 29. kolovoza 2013. koju je unio/unijela Geraldine724 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

- The massage therapist may ask questions about what prompted one to get a massage.

- background information will be wanted by The massage therapist about your lifestyle, medical record, physical condition, pressure levels and any painful areas.

- The massage therapist will ask what your quality of life goals are and will discuss how massage can help you achieve those goals.

- Within a massage, you'll be asked to get rid of clothing..

What should some one expect within a massage?

- The massage therapist will ask questions in what caused you to get a massage.

- The massage therapist will need background information about your medical history, shape, lifestyle, stress levels and any painful areas.

- The massage therapist will ask what your health goals are and will talk about how massage can help you achieve these goals.

- During a massage, you'll be asked to remove clothing to your level of comfort. Clothing is not removed during seat massages.

People also should consider these tips to help them look for a massage therapist who's competent and experienced.

- Are you licensed to practice massage? (35 states have passed legislation to control massage)

- Are you a part of the American Massage Therapy Association?

- Are you Nationally Qualified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork?

Massage Might Help Ease Your Pain

Millions of Americans are too familiar with pain. There may be numerous visits to a doctor or chiropractor, pain drugs, sleepless nights and the responsibility of making it during the day while suffering pain. For a different viewpoint, you are able to glance at: open site in new window.

Have you tried massage?

A current review from the American Hospital Association shows that nearly 82 percent of hospitals that use some kind of complementary or alternative care use massage therapy, with 70 percent of these hospitals using massage for pain management and pain relief.

A customer survey commissioned by the American Massage Therapy Association? (AMTA) reveals that more people than ever before are seeking massage to manage and relieve pain. The survey implies that nearly half, 47 percent, of those questioned have experienced a massage designed for pain relief.

A 2003 survey of 1,998 massage clients showed that 63 percent thought massage therapy offered them greater pain relief than chiropractic, acupuncture, physical therapy or other bodywork.

Scientific research indicates massage therapy can:

- Be much more effective for chronic back pain than other complementary therapies.

- Promote relaxation and alleviate the notion of pain and anxiety in cancer patients.

- Reduce post-traumatic headaches better than cold bunch treatments.

- Lessen pain and muscle spasms in patients who've withstood heart bypass surgery when element of hospital-based surgery treatment.

- Stimulate the mind to create endorphins.

- Improve confidence by encouraging people to effectively handle their pain.

Talk to your doctor about adding massage by a certified massage therapist to your pain management program, when you yourself have persistent pain. Locating a certified and trained massage therapist is vital, so look for a member of AMTA.

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