Upholstery cleaning in Kent

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 16:23, 1. rujna 2013. koju je unio/unijela Reatha632 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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How do we get your upholstery beautifully clean?

OurUpholstery Cleaning process will have your furniture left sparkling clean and dry in 4 to 6 hours. Not the 1-2 days you may have experienced with other carpet cleaning and upholstery cleaning methods like steam cleaning. Our secret is that we use the power of effervescent,carbonating cleaning solutions. They are so effective that we only need to use a small amount of moisture to achieve miraculous clean upholstery. In fact, we only need to use approximately one-fifth to one-tenth of the moisture that steam cleaners use. And if that isn’t enough, the ingredients used in our upholstery cleaner are copied from Mother Nature herself. We don’t need soaps, detergents, or harsh chemicals when we carry out upholstery cleaning to accomplish our great cleaning results because we’ve got the power of crystal clear carbonating bubbles.

upholstery cleaning

Healthy Upholstery Cleaning

Because steam carpet cleaners use gallons of water and high pressure, they drive dirt and moisture down into your upholstery and fabrics. This results in longer dry times which can create a breeding ground for mould and bacteria and reappearing spots caused by the dirt “wicking” up the fibres as the fabric dries. This soggy approach toupholstery cleaning can also leave behind chemicals and soapy, dirt-attracting residue.

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